Das Urteil "Titanium"
EuGH-Entscheidung trifft gewerbliche Mieter ausländischer Immobilienbesitzer - Umsatzsteuer kann nicht mehr als Vorsteuer abgezogen werden.
EuGH-Entscheidung trifft gewerbliche Mieter ausländischer Immobilienbesitzer - Umsatzsteuer kann nicht mehr als Vorsteuer abgezogen werden.
McCann FitzGerald LLP and Mazars Survey on the GDPR shows a cooling of organisations’ views about the GDPR.
The world has become more global but investments remain local. When investing abroad for the first time, companies need to take different aspects into account including language, culture, ways of working, regulation, etc. To succeed today, a great product or service is no longer enough.
Seeking opportunities outside their country of origin is a natural part of the growth journey for many businesses. By opening up new markets and connecting with new customers, businesses can increase their sales and profits, while spreading their risk by not having to rely on any one single market.
A global view on a business-critical, fast-evolving issue.
Against a backdrop of shifting market expectations, Mazars released an independent report titled “The future of audit: market view”. The report highlights ‘standout findings’ and myths about audit with over 500 responses from 12 countries.
Your finance, tax, legal and labour update
[Thailand] Mazars in Thailand’s guidebook, ‘Doing business in Thailand’, provides a thorough and insightful overview for those interested in investing in Thailand.
[USA] On January 6, 2021 the IRS released Rev. Rul. 2021-2 which implements the provision of Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 allowing taxpayers to deduct otherwise deductible expenses, the payment of which results in, or are expected to result in, the forgiveness of a loan under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
[Austria] Unser monatliches Update rund um alle aktuellen Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Steuer und Wirtschaft. So bleiben Sie und Ihr Unternehmen immer auf dem Laufenden.
[Columbia] Through Resolution 5 of January 22, 2021 the term for updating the RUT was extended, learn about the main changes.
[Vietnam] In the first month of 2021, there were several new regulations and policies recently published that came into effect, creating positive conditions for enterprises to boost their operations, product scales, and import-export quantity. Furthermore, with preferable incentives to be applied, a number of foreign investments to Vietnam is expected to rise high in 2021.
[Singapore] Considering Singapore as your next business location? Get in-depth business incorporation advice from our Mazars experts regarding company formation, setup, and registration. Learn more through our comprehensive guide.
Unter Shared Audit ist die Prüfung von Tochterunternehmen eines Konzerns durch eine Prüfungsgesellschaft zu verstehen, die nicht Konzernabschlussprüfer ist. Meist handelt es sich hierbei um die Abschlussprüfung von Unternehmen in einzelnen Ländern oder Regionen eines Konzerns. Anders als beim sogenannten Joint Audit, bei dem zwei Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften den Konzernabschluss prüfen, bleibt...
Almanya ile Otomatik Bilgi Paylaşımı yürürlüğe girdi
This page gathers all the Doing Business Guides available so far in all Mazars countries. These publications aim at presenting Mazars to investors wishing to do business overseas.
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