Derived from this new context, the quantitative measurement of the different risk levels to which insurance companies are subject has become the focal point of their activity management. All this implies the use of increasingly frequent statistical and actuarial techniques which are particularly complex.
Being aware of this complexity, Mazars offers a wide catalogue of actuarial services to accompany the sector’s companies in the development of new procedures, complying with new regulatory frames. There are numerous reasons to choose Mazars as a successful option for these processes:
- The high technical qualifications of our actuarial team, whose distinctive feature towards other actual services firms combines their condition as accounting experts with in-depth local and international accounting knowledge.
- Wide experience in actuarial services rendered to several of the main insurance sector entities at worldwide level.
- Extensive knowledge of the sector’s best practices.
- An international team integrated by more than 60 actuaries only in Europe and more than one hundred at worldwide level.