Global China Services in CEE

Responding to the new challenges in the international business markets, Mazars has formed the Global China Services Group – a dedicated group of multilingual professionals with expertise in serving our Chinese clients. As a dedicated team of Mazars Global China Services Group in CEE, Mazars CEE China Desk working hand-in-hand with Mazars in China, we help Chinese companies in the major issues involving investing and operating in Central and Eastern Europe. By relying on the knowledge and joint efforts of our teams, we are also capable of providing support to CEE companies interested in the Chinese market.

Global China Services

Mazars China Services Group is a dedicated group of professionals with particular expertise in serving Chinese clients. Mazars Group, an integrated global partnership, by aligning the resources of Zhongshen Zhonghuan with two dozen overseas China desks and combining local expertise with a global reach, enables Chinese enterprises prepared flexible and vital resource to cope with the challenges of global expansion, in an ever-changing international landscape.


China Services in CEE

Based in Warsaw, Poland, Mazars CEE China Desk team is providing comprehensive and integrated solutions, including audit, accounting and outsourcing, tax and business advisory, to assist our Chinese clients in Central and Eastern Europe in improving their business performance.


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Michalak Philippe
Michalak Philippe Ügyvezető igazgató, Partner, Forvis Mazars Kft. - Budapest

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