Evenimente Mazars organizate în 2021

Află mai multe despre evenimentele pe care le-am organizat în 2021, cu focus pe noutăți locale, regionale și globale în sfera fiscalității, serviciilor financiare, HR, contabilitate și audit.

Central Eastern Europe region (CEE) webinars

CEE webinar: Business sustainability reporting & changes in the EU’s CSRD guidelines

This webinar was dedicated to companies in the CEE region that need to prepare with the new EU CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), effective as of January 2023.


  • Maud Gaudry, Global Co-Head of Sustainability at Mazars in France
  • Jana Ružická, Sustainability Director at Mazars in Slovakia.

Watch the recording

HR consulting webinar series

This series of webinars focused on current HR topics very interesting and important for your company. Please see more details below.



Main takeaways


19 May

What is the role of HR during a crisis?

How to position the team within the company during a tough period and how to increase the quality of life for your employees.

Watch recording

14 April

Difficult employees: time to say goodbye or a learning lesson? 

Identifying the learning lessons you can gather from difficult employees and how you can turn them into partners.

Watch recording

17 March

When and how can we redefine the company's remuneration strategy?

Identifying the connection between the company’s strategy and the reward system to align the organization’s needs with the economic context.

Watch recording 

3 February

How does Employer Branding look in the new reality?

What messages are now expected by employees and potential candidates and how to promote the company even if it doesn’t hire new people.

Watch recording

20 January

How can HR contribute to increasing productivity in telework conditions?

Discovering how to measure productivity and finding ways to increase the trust between employees and managers in difficult periods.

Watch recording

15 December 2020

Internal communication in times of insecurity

Identifying key topics for internal communication and building a message for crisis situations such as COVID-19.

Watch  recording

Tax webinars

We organised various online events tackling actual tax topics. Please see more details below.




30 September

Autumn of fiscal digitalization and taxation of multinational companies

Watch recording

2-10 November

Mazars' flagship conference “Set for change: tax transparency, a way towards sustainability"


28 January

Tax challenges for 2021 and more

Watch recording