Top 5 essentials for your year-end reporting
Held in partnership with the QCA, the webinar covered the top five corporate reporting and governance areas that audit committees and boards need to be thinking about in preparation for their year-end reporting.
The top 5 areas discussed were:
- Key messages from the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) on financial statements reporting
- Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance
- Risk reporting
- Climate reporting
- Wider sustainability reporting
Referenced support material
During the webinar, we referred to several supporting material and source documents, including reviews and reports published by the FRC and the government. Please see the links to those materials below:
- Detailed webinar recordings held on Thursday 9 December:
- UK GAAP Update
- IFRS Update
- Narrative Reporting Update
- Financial statement reporting covering reviews and reports published by the FRC and the IASB:
- Annual Review of Corporate Reporting 2020/21 (October 2021)
- Key Matters for 2021/2022 Reports and Accounts (October 2021)
- Thematic Review: Viability and Going Concern (September 2021)
- Thematic Review: IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets (October 2021)
- Thematic Review: Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) (October 2021)
- FRS 102 Factsheet 8 – Climate-related matters (November 2021)
- Review of Corporate Governance Reporting (November 2021)
- Creating Positive Culture – Opportunities and Challenges (December 2021)
- Effects of climate-related matters on financial statements (November 2020)
- Government proposals within the Audit Reform White Paper
- Restoring Trust in Audit and Corporate Governance (March 2021)
- Creating Positive Culture - Opportunities and Challenges (December 2021)
- Risk reporting:
- Reporting on risks, uncertainties, opportunities and scenarios (September 2021)
- Reporting on stakeholders, decisions and Section 172 (July 2021)
- National Cyber Security Centre Report: Questions for boards to ask about cyber security
- Climate reporting:
- Thematic Review: Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (September 2021)
- FRC Statement of Intent on Environmental, Social and Governance challenges (July 2021)
- The Companies (Strategic Report) (Climate-related Financial Disclosure) Regulations 2021 (draft October 2021)
- Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): Ahead of Mandatory Reporting (October 2021)
- Wider sustainability reporting:
- Greening Finance: A Roadmap to Sustainable Investing (October 2021)
- International Sustainability Standards Board – Latest (November 2021)
- Mazars and ecoDa Report: A practical guide for boards and leadership teams on sustainability (December 2021)