Al Chang Managing Partner

Al is a qualified Taiwanese CPA and US CPA. He is a well-known and highly respected figure of the Taiwanese accounting profession as demonstrated by his Chairmanship of the Taipei CPA Association. Al spent almost 3 decades on various leadership roles in Audit, Tax and Mergers & Acquisitions. He is a Tax Expert recognized by leading global organizations including World Tax and the International Tax Review.

He has extensive experience in complex cross-border tax engagements for both foreign multinationals and locally listed firms. His portfolio spans a wide variety of industries from manufacturing to semiconductors and retail, property development and construction and consulting services. He has assisted clients with transfer pricing, tax planning and consultancy, mergers and acquisitions and negotiations and mediations with the National Taxation Bureau when disputes arise.

Both as Managing Partner and Head of Tax for Forvis Mazars in Taiwan, his commitment is to the provision of the highest level of services to our clients … with the pragmatism of a hands-on practitioner.

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