Communication and performance evaluation

Provide solutions to support reporting, auditing and assurance for sustainability and human rights reports, certification for green bonds and social bonds and assurance on all forms of carbon reporting

Non-financial reports, like other initiatives to demonstrate this type of information, are increasingly important for companies because they help build trust and increase credibility. They help companies demonstrate their performance in relation to their environmental and social impact, supply chain, corporate diversity and all other areas of sustainability. Forvis Mazars provides a full range of solutions for reporting your ESG performance that will help you tell your story in a relevant and authentic way.

Our approach

Companies are now paying more attention to non-financial reporting in response not only to new regulatory requirements, but also to stakeholder expectations.

Reporting ESG performance has clear benefits for companies from the point of view of communicating with their various stakeholders, as well as increasing their long-term competitiveness in relation to their peers.

With non-financial reporting becoming compulsory in some jurisdictions, such as Europe, the guarantee of trust and credibility of this information has gained emphasis. As a result, it will be necessary to acquire verification services for your sustainability reports, certification of green and social bonds or even carbon reports.

At Forvis Mazars we have a long history of helping organisations of all sizes structure and improve their sustainability reports or obtain the necessary certifications. Our qualified team can help you identify the environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues relevant to your business, using tried and tested techniques and reference frameworks.

While some organisations have migrated to an integrated reporting approach, others continue to document their non-financial reports separately. Whatever your preference, our team will align the working methods with your interests to ensure that the reports are of the highest possible quality. Our permanent focus is on adapting our approach according to your needs and presenting solutions that help you achieve your goals.

How we can help

  • Increase the credibility of disclosures related to corporate responsibility and sustainability activities
  • Inform stakeholders about the progress made towards defined objectives
  • Provide senior managers with comfort regarding the quality of the information provided
  • Identify and prioritise the areas to report on.

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