In this section, you will find all our client-related "news" messages, informing you about important changes in Belgian and international rules and regulations, both from a tax and a legal point of view.
Payroll Newsletter Q1 2025
New government, new (and less) taxes: what’s changing under the Belgian Arizona government?
New rules on extra-contractual liability: increased risk for company directors?
Forvis Mazars in Belgium welcomes new Country Leader
Limited student working hours to 475 in 2025!
Belgian implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: Legislative overview.
Forvis Mazars Group announces new governance model and leadership positions

Forvis Mazars Group (legacy Mazars), the international audit, tax and advisory services partnership, today announces the appointments of Hervé Hélias and Pascal Jauffret as Chairman and CEO respectively, as part of its evolved governance structure.
Belasting der niet-inwoners
Wijzigingen erfbelasting in Vlaanderen krijgen vorm

Verlaging erfbelasting – Een magere troost in moeilijke tijden?
Blijft een handgift mogelijk? – En welk risico speelt er?
Blijft een handgift mogelijk? – En welk risico speelt er?