Audit & Assurance

Our working procedures reflect our integrity, independence and objectivity and help you achieve full compliance with the regulatory requirements and the highest professional standards.

To earn the trust of your business partners, your financial reporting must definitely be available and in strict accordance with the professional standards and your business segment requirements. Your financial statements are the best tools to assess your business performance.

Our audit methodology development has been based on the evolution of the business segments and on local and international trends.

Audit Engagements

As a business executive, you must rest assured that your financial reporting reflects your business actual status, as it forms the basis of your relationships with your partners and of your compliance with the legal framework governing your operations. In addition, audited reporting becomes a definite asset to assist you through your decision-making processes.

Forvis Mazars can help you with an evaluation of the proper operation of your controlled processes and systems, the execution of an unbiased and stringent analysis of your performance and the formulation of recommendations suited for your business segment. Therefore, an audit of your financial data will help you reinforce your credibility with your business partners and assess the reliability of reports released.

Review Engagements

All businesses are not required to disclose their financial statements. However, the availability of reliable and accessible financial data may prove to be a sizable asset for your organisation. Actually, the release of this information upgrades your credibility with your business partners and can also help you better manage your daily operations.

We provide the services of our professionals for review engagements and thereby help you improve the reliability of your financial data. We will review your financial data, and through our engagement reports, we will develop customized recommendations so you can take appropriate action and improve your financial management.

Through our team members’ expertise, our methods are in strict accordance with the highest standards for Chartered Professional Accountants.

Accounting Standardization

In an ever-changing environment, accounting standards are constantly changing. Therefore, our professionals are involved in a continuous training process to provide you with quality services.

Our audit and review engagement procedures meet the standards of the CPA Canada Handbook – Assurance, and the accounting requirements applicable to private companies, public and parapublic companies and NPOs.

For transparency and alignment purposes, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are becoming the global standards, and therefore, we make sure the IFRS are implemented in the strictest way. Through our Forvis Mazars Group, based in in over 100 countries and territories, we are in a position to keep abreast of the latest international standards.

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