Podcast - Sala de Negócios
Listen to the episodes of Podcast Sala de Negócios
A weekly production that transits through things as innovation, entrepreneurship, finances, technology and other topics, that are part of the business world
Check out the latest episodes
Episode #177: People management is also a CFO's responsibility
There was a time when the CFO followed a very technical and uncommunicative stereotype. There has been a significant transition. Today, the CFO is much more focused on people than before. Even so, they have not abandoned the technical side. For this reason, the CFO is often seen as the natural successor to the CEO.
Guests: Márcio Callux, CFO, Elera, and Stephanie Capitani, energy consultancy specialist at Forvis Mazars
Episode #175: Female participation in the Electric Energy market
The energy sector is predominantly male, with women representing about 22% of the workforce in public utility companies, compared to 47% in other industries. Female presence is even lower in leadership positions, highlighting the need to promote greater diversity and inclusion. The inclusion of women brings valuable perspectives, but attracting women to this sector is still a challenge. Initiatives such as partnerships with educational institutions help increase female participation.
Guests: Carisa Portela Cristal, CFO and Director of Investor Relations, ISA CTEEP, and Stephanie Capitani, energy consultancy specialist at Forvis Mazars
Episode #173: The Brazilian energy transition and the overcapacity problem
The Brazilian electricity matrix is one of the most renewable and cleanest in the world, standing out for its reliance on hydroelectric, wind, solar, and biomass energy. Compared to other nations, such as the United States, China, and the European Union, Brazil's matrix is significantly more sustainable. However, the overcapacity of energy and high costs for consumers indicate the need for a review of incentive policies. Efficient resource management and subsidy reduction can improve the competitiveness of the Brazilian energy sector.
Guests: Eduardo Takamori, CFO and Director of Investor Relations, Engie, and Stephanie Capitani, energy consultancy specialist at Forvis Mazars
Episode #171: ESG within family businesses
This year, Condor celebrated 95 years of history, standing out in various consumer goods categories. The company has practiced ESG for decades, recycling materials and using clean energy. Condor also supports social initiatives, such as partnerships with Abrinq and the Guga Kuerten Institute. In governance, it maintains external and internal audits to ensure transparency. This journey shows how integrating sustainability and social responsibility can strengthen a company.
Guest: Alexandre Wiggers, CEO, Condor
Episode #169: How to control costs when you don't control the price?
The volatility of commodities, such as sugar, demands rigorous cost control. The concept of lean manufacturing is essential to eliminate waste and optimize processes. Cost reduction and productivity increase are main goals. The price of diesel oil is influenced by the global oil market. Maintaining high levels of agricultural productivity is crucial for success in the sugar sector.
Guest: Tiago Novaes, CFO, Usina Santa Adélia
Episode #167: Trust as a business ally through Data and Insights
In this episode, we highlight the crucial importance of trust in relationships between consumers and companies, exploring how TransUnion adopts the motto "Make trust possible" in its operations. We discuss the strategies the company implements to face credit and delinquency challenges, and how these initiatives strengthen trust and promote financial inclusion. Additionally, we analyze how improving credit conditions benefits the economy and reinforces trust relationships between companies and consumers.
Guest: Juarez José Zortea, President, Transunion
Episode #165: Energy in transition: renewal and technology in the electric sector
In Brazil, the electric energy sector is at a critical moment, marked by significant challenges and emerging opportunities. The energy transition to renewable sources is accelerating, driven by robust investments in solar and wind technologies. Simultaneously, the growing popularity of electric vehicles is reshaping energy demand patterns, opening new avenues for sector development. Moreover, advances in technology and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing energy consumption management, enabling more efficient and sustainable administration. This podcast explores these trends, discussing how they are shaping the future of electric energy in Brazil.
Guests: André Travinski, Finance Department Manager at Copel, and Stephanie Capitani, energy consulting specialist at Forvis Mazars
Episode #163: If Agribusiness is important, why is it often villainized?
Brazilian agribusiness represents a significant part of the national GDP, standing out in sugar and soybean production and greatly contributing to global food security. Additionally, the sector is vital for Brazil's economy, positively influencing the trade balance with a significant surplus. However, it faces challenges in talent recruitment, often seen as a less attractive career for young professionals. Overcoming these obstacles involves improving public perception and strengthening the connection between universities and the field. Recognizing and supporting the potential of agribusiness is crucial for its continuous development.
Guest: Orlando Mansur Pereira, CFO and Commercial Director, Usina Santa Terezinha
Episode #161: Opportunities in the Electric Sector for all types of clients
The Brazilian electric sector is undergoing significant transformation, with the free energy market opening new doors for 1.5 million Group A consumers starting in 2024. Distributed generation, including solar panels and wind turbines, has been rapidly growing, with installed capacity reaching 10 GW in 2023. This advancement offers a great opportunity for companies and individual consumers to take a more active role in managing their energy consumption and sustainable production. To maximize benefits, it is essential to evaluate savings potential, carefully choose suppliers, and invest in energy efficiency measures. Adopting these strategies promises not only to reduce costs but also to contribute to a more sustainable energy future.
Guests: Walter Fróes, CEO, CMU, and Stephanie Capitani, energy consulting specialist at Forvis Mazars
Episode #159: Understanding the free Market and the energy credit market
The Free Energy Market in Brazil offers consumers the freedom to choose their energy suppliers, an alternative to the traditional Captive Market, where purchases are made from the local distributor without options. This market is expanding, with forecasts of including new consumers, including retailers and eventually the general public. The management and credit analysis of agents play a crucial role in ensuring safe and efficient transactions, standing out as an essential component in the structure of this market. As we move towards a more open and competitive energy system, the importance of effective risk management and well-founded operations in the ACL becomes increasingly evident, promising to transform the country's energy sector.
Guests: Aluízio Felix, CFO, Atmo Energia, and Stephanie Capitani, energy consulting specialist at Forvis Mazars
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