Philipp Wüllrich Partner

Lawyer, LL.M. (Edinburgh), specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
Areas of expertise
Special sector knowledge
- Technology
- Industrials
- Transport & logistics
- Consumer
- German
- English
Brief biography
- Since 2021 Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars)
- 2012 - 2021 KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne, Partner
- 2010 - 2012 SCHMITZ KNOTH Attorneys at Law, Bonn, Senior Associate
- 2007 - 2010 CMS Hasche Sigle, Cologne, Associate
- 2006 - 2007 University of Edinburgh, Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Business Law with distinction
- 2004 - 2006 Traineeship at the District Court of Cologne, Germany
- 2003 - 2004 Research Assistant at the Institute for Business Law, Labor and Social Security Law (Dept. II) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Prof. Dr. Manfred Löwisch
- 2003 - 2005 Doctorate at the University of Bielefeld (Prof. Dr. Ansgar Staudinger) summa cum laude
- 1997 - 2002 Studies of law in Münster, Geneva and Freiburg
Dr. Philipp Wüllrich has been a Partner and Head of Forvis Mazars' Cologne office since October 2021. He is responsible for the corporate/M&A practice area and focuses on advising venture capitalists and startups, cross-border transactions and restructurings and corporate housekeeping. He advises on corporate disputes. Previously, he worked for almost ten years (most recently as a partner) at KPMG Law in Cologne and, before that, at a medium-sized law firm in Bonn. He started his career as a lawyer at CMS Hasche Sigle. Dr. Philipp Wüllrich holds an LL.M. (University of Edinburgh) and is a commercial and corporate law specialist. He is a CV Business Circle Cologne member involved in the German Standards Setting Institute (GESSI) regarding the standardization of venture capital documents.
Professional memberships and other roles
- Member of the board of the CV-Wirtschaftszirkel Köln
- Die umsatzsteuerliche Organschaft - Gesellschaftsrechtliche Fallstricke bei der organisatorischen Eingliederung, BB 2014, 1757 - 1764 (zusammen mit Martha Klink)
- Grenzenlose gesellschaftsrechtliche Flexibilität - die Societas Privata Europaea (SPE), NZG 2008, 807 - 2187 (zusammen mit Dr. Carsten Peters, LL.M. (NZ))
- Gesellschaftsrechtliche Einigung Europas durch die Societas Privata Europaea (SPE), DB 2008, 2179 - 2187 (zusammen mit Dr. Carsten Peters, LL.M. (NZ))
- "Borderlesse flexibility": the Societas Privata Europaea (SPE) from a German company law perspective, The Company Lawyer Vol. 30 No. 7 (2009), 214 - 219, Company Lawyer International (zusammen mit Dr. Carsten Peters, LL.M. (NZ))
- Das Persönlichkeitsrecht des Einzelnen im Internet - Das Persönlichkeitsrecht in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts sowie der nationalen Haftungsvorschriften, in: Schriftenreihe Studien zum Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrecht, JWV - Jenaer Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft 2006
Lecturing / teaching positions
- Regular speaker at lecture events on topics related to venture capital and startups (e.g. at the Impact Factory in Duisburg) as well as on corporate law issues (e.g. directors' duties and M&A).