Simon Beillevaire Associé

joins Mazars2012
Becomes Head of Media Sector in France2013
Contributes to the 2nd Mazars Media Barometer
Simon Beillevaire is a chartered accountant and statutory auditor. He began his career in 1995 with Mazars, where he specialized in the audit of listed groups, working mainly in the media and luxury goods sectors.
He also has significant expertise in internal control reviews, particularly in the context of Sarbanes-Oxley regulations.
During his career at Mazars, Simon spent 3 years in the Mazars New York office, where he had the opportunity to assist French groups in the United States with their expansion or external growth projects.
Since 2012, he has been in charge of the Media Sector in France, which includes Media & Information, Technology & Telecom and Hotels, Tourism & Other Services.