Including ESG data in an audit fosters trust

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Law, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) – as a result of these recent regulatory directives, many SMEs will soon also be required to provide comprehensive information on the potential social and environmental impacts of their business activities in an audited report.

Some companies will now be confronted with new technical and organisational challenges as they try to collect, analyse, and document non-financial key figures relating to environmental social governance (ESG). They will first need to develop the expertise along with the internal organisational structures and processes necessary to prepare these reports. The legislation (parts of which have yet been finalised) and reporting standards (which have not yet been completely adopted) are causing additional concern in companies as they go through this development process. We therefore recommend that you begin taking the necessary steps now.

Our approach

We take a tailored approach to audit your sustainability report. For this, we draw on our knowledge of your company, business model, and industry environment. Doing so enables us to identify and assess the essential ESG audit risks at an early stage. Through our collaboration as an integrated partnership, we act as a single team across all sectors, services, and borders. We bring together the right staff with the right expertise at the right time to perform the review in a consistent and efficient manner.

Our solutions

We guide you in a pragmatic, solution-oriented, and reliable manner. Our ESG experts:

  • Gain an understanding of your business model and the ESG information relevant to you and your stakeholders (materiality analysis)
  • Analyse your internal processes for gathering data and information, and evaluate your policies, systems, and control descriptions
  • Evaluate formulas for calculating key figures, perform a critical analysis of the draft sustainability report, and do plausibility checks
  • Serve as your sounding board with all issues and questions related to determination and verification of compliance with the law
  • After a successful audit, prepare a certificate that you can publish with the report on your website

Finally, we will be happy to provide you with constructive feedback during a final meeting.

Your benefit

Information is reliable if it has been verified and certified by independent third parties. Having this certification enables companies to build trust and strengthen their credibility with customers, contractual partners, and the capital market. By conducting a preliminary review, you avoid dead ends and stumbling blocks on your way to legally-compliant ESG reporting.

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