Our solution for tax transparency strategy

Increasingly more companies are issuing public statements regarding their tax strategy or voluntarily publishing a tax transparency report. The political establishment and society demand that companies behave ethically, and these expectations are growing, especially with regard to the tax ethics of national and international companies. Aggressive tax avoidance can therefore quickly damage a reputation, even if legally permissible.

Our approach

A carefully formulated tax strategy, along with at least a minimum degree of tax transparency, is the starting point. More and more companies are therefore striving to provide clear tax reporting. Together with you, we formulate your company's tax strategy or tax transparency report and support you in implementing appropriate processes and control measures.

Our solution

We begin by determining the level of transparency you want, along with your goals and strategic direction with regard to fiscal sustainability. We then develop and formulate the approach to tax for your company and a corresponding statement for the public. All our efforts are geared toward fulfilling your expectations, and this can include a section on your company's website or even a detailed transparency report.

We work with your existing tax governance and control framework or help you implement a new solution. This also includes setting up processes for regular reviews of your tax strategy and compliance with regulatory requirements. We also ensure that your tax approach always considers the strategies for your company’s business and sustainable development. By working together like this, we reduce the tax risks and enhance trust in your company by both the public and your stakeholders.

To ensure that you are able to optimally involve your stakeholders in the relevant processes and to resolve any tax concerns, we will be happy to advise you after performing a targeted analysis.

How you benefit

We help you achieve the right degree of transparency in tax matters to strengthen trust in your company. This also enhances your company’s reputation and helps you attract and recruit young talent, who often have a strong interest in sustainability. Our experienced and multidisciplinary teams of experts will be happy to assist you with all the necessary steps.

Please contact us to learn more
