Staff training

In the past, it was enough to just check for any legislative changes affecting the VAT at the beginning of each new year. However, nowadays the changes occur so frequently that this no longer suffices. The EU is revising the VAT law in stages, and the German legislature is reacting to current crises. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) and Germany’s Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) nowadays publish ten or more VAT rulings per week, and these need to be taken into account. (New) employees who are, or will be, entrusted with VAT duties may need a refresher course on VAT basics.

We help you keep your employees informed about all the latest changes.

The basic process

  1. We take a look at your company’s business transactions to get an overview (assuming that we have not already gained this understanding through working with you previously). This helps us understand what VAT issues and changes are important for your company.
  2. We’d be happy to discuss specific individual business transactions in the training if this is desired.
  3. Whether the training takes the form of an interactive workshop or a presentation is your choice.
  4. Together, we determine your needs and then decide how long the training should be and how often it should be held.
  5. The training can be held as a live online seminar to save time and money in which the participants can, of course, ask questions – or as an in-person event at your site or ours.

Naturally, these can be adapted to your individual needs.

When is our employee training the right tool for you?

  • You lack the resources to constantly check for – and implement – all the VAT law changes.
  • As a tax manager or in a similar role, you are familiar with the current legal changes, but you do not have time to develop and prepare a training course.
  • (New) employees in VAT-relevant positions need basic training in VAT fundamentals.
  • Your company has grown considerably, new business cases have been added, and you are unsure whether the in-house expertise has kept pace.

How our employee training courses help

  • Our practical training gives employees the VAT expertise necessary to reliably perform their tasks. They have a sufficient understanding of the problems involved and can recognise unusual or very complex cases and bring these to the attention of those responsible within your company.
  • Employees are aware of applicable legal changes and can apply these correctly.
  • Customers appreciate the fact that your company is a dependable partner and know that they can rely on you to provide accurate invoices.
  • You can face tax audits and/ or special VAT audits with confidence.

Cost of the employee training

The fee depends on the length of the desired training, the effort involved in the preparation (special issues are more time-consuming than general topics, and it takes extra time and effort to analyse and discuss individual business transactions), the number of participants, and whether the training takes place online or in-person. The following kinds of training, for example, have proven especially useful:

  • Basic VAT training as it pertains to your industry, but without a discussion of individual business transactions. This is designed to refresh the basic knowledge and expand on it).Four hours of online training with breaks involving two speakers and up to 30 participants:  approx. € 5,000
  • Training on current ECJ and BFH case law of the last year that affects your company (advanced).Two hours of online training involving two speakers and up to 30 participants: approx. € 2,500
  • Three-hour training course on individual business transactions with a detailed explanation of the VAT treatment (very practice-oriented, for all levels of experience).A three-hour in-person training course at your site, involving two speakers and up to 20 participants: approx. € 7,500

We can cover the entire spectrum from A to Z and will be happy to provide an individual offer that matches your needs. The fees are net plus a 5% flat rate for expenses and, if applicable, individual expenses and VAT.

Do you have any questions or need further information?

Please contact us
