EU funds and national grants

EU funds are financial instruments that, in accordance with certain rules and procedures, are allocated to various beneficiaries for the implementation of projects contributing to the achievement of key EU public policies.

They are extremely important for the Republic of Croatia, both because of their value and strategic goals that are achieved through financial instruments.

The European Union funds a wide range of projects and programs in areas such as regional and urban development and cooperation, research and innovation, education and culture, employment and social inclusion, agriculture and rural development, and maritime affairs and fisheries.

EU funding is available for all types of enterprises, regardless of their size and sector of operation, including entrepreneurs, start-ups, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large enterprises. EU funds are also available to counties, cities, associations, educational institutions and other public and state institutions.

EU grants are allocated according to special procedures that are determined individually for each call for proposals in line with the rules set out in the the Guidelines for Applicants.

Our services

  • Systematic monitoring of opportunities from EU and other sources of funding for companies and various organizations
  • Advising on financing the investment/project from EU and/or national funds
  • Advising on the compliance of the project idea with the call for proposals, as well as checking the eligibility of the applicant and the project idea
  • Development of the project idea in accordance with the specific call for proposals, in order to meet the expected criteria and for the project to achieve the best possible evaluation result
  • Advising on selection and linking with partner organization
  • Coordination of project stakeholders (beneficiaries, partners and designers)
  • Preparation of project application documentation, including the entire project proposal (elaboration of project objectives, activities and budget) and other supporting documents (business plan, investment study, feasibility study, etc.)
  • Support during the project evaluation process (communication with competent authorities and preparation of potential clarifications)
  • Managing the entire procedure, from designing and preparation of project idea to submission of the project application and signing of the Grant Agreement

Mazars also provides the service of applying the investment to the Croatian Investment Promotion Act, as permanently open opportunity without restrictions on the size of the entrepreneur.

Within this Act, your investment projects can be applied for the realization of the income tax rate reduction or awarded with the grant.

Areas of support under the Investment Promotion Act are:

  • Production and manufacturing activities
  • Development and innovation activities
  • Business support activities
  • High value added services

Why choose Mazars?

  • Well-experienced in development and preparation of projects co-financed by EU funds, good expertise on the EU legislative and procedural framework and state-aid rules
  • Specialized experts in the fields of research and development, construction and equipping, setting up of ICT solutions, energetics, education and European territorial cooperation
  • We develop and prepare projects in accordance with the highest professional standards and quality management system in place
  • Mazars offers a full range of complementary services including audit, accounting and consulting services for clients in all business sectors

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