Here you will find our latest Tax,Financial, Audit & Accounting News issued by Forvis Mazars in Croatia.
Forvis Mazars News
Here you will find here our latest Forvis Mazars news which will help you find out what is it that we do in Forvis Mazars globally, besides Audit, Accounting and Advisory.
Be sure to check them out!
Be sure to check them out!
- Forvis Mazars Group announces new governance model and leadership positions
- Chart your secure cyber path
- Reconstruction of Ukraine newsletter - June 2024
- Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2024
- Sporazum o suradnji Forvis Mazarsa i Sveučilišta Algebre
- Forvis Mazars shakes up professional services industry with its new $5 billion global network
- CEE webinar: Food & Beverages Sector in CEE
- Forvis Mazars announces another year of record revenues as it builds global ambition
- Predstavljen Artificial Intelligence Research projekt
- Mazars and FORVIS to form unique new top 10 global network
- Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study H1 2023
- Forvis Mazars & Cepor: Kako financirati rast Vašeg biznisa
- Povećanje konkurentnosti tvrtke Forvis Mazars Consulting d.o.o. uvođenjem naprednih digitalnih rješenja u poslovanje
- Uvođenje novih digitalnih rješenja u poslovanje u svrhu digitalne transformacije tvrtke Forvis Mazars d.o.o.
- Bold leadership for a sustainable future: Forvis Mazars C-suite barometer 2023
- Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2023
- Iskoračite u digitalno uz sredstva iz EU fondova
- Forvis Mazars’ record global revenues confirm strength of its international, integrated, multidisciplinary strategy
- Forvis Mazars is opening its second office in Croatia
- Digital advisory Press Release
- Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study H1 2022
- Forvis Mazars has joined the UN Global Compact initiative
- C-suite insights from the Central and Eastern European region
- Cyber security: Is your safety net strong enough?
- Forvis Mazars i partneri potpisali ugovor o konzultantskim uslugama s EBRD za projekt Batižele
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 2/2022
- 23.6. CEE webinar: Investing for social impact
- We are proud that with this new collaboration we are taking a step forward in the direction of sustainability and ESG
- Focus on: The European Taxonomy
- Time for action: Forvis Mazars C-suite barometer 2021
- 31.3. CEE webinar: How to boost and manage a sustainable supply chain
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 1/2022
- Double digit growth reflects strength, balance and sustainability of Forvis Mazars’ integrated business model and strategy
- 11.2. CEE webinar: EU Taxonomy & business benefits of ESG
- Forvis Mazars provided sell side advisory to owners of Deltron and helped secure a major investment by Beijer Ref
- Interactive event - Tax news - conclude the year and take advantage of the benefits
- We became a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia
- Forvis Mazars global data survey 2021
- Forvis Mazars is ACCA Approved Employer
- Interaktivni modularni događaj - Lexpera i Forvis Mazars
- Financial performance of European banks in the context of Covid-19: benchmark study 2021
- Brexit Radar: discover what’s ahead and plan your next steps
- Collaboration with BIRD Incubator
- Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer
- CEE Deal Advisory Highlights 2018
- Hervé Hélias Named Chairman of The Board
- Mazars Transaction Advisory Services ranked among the Top 5 firms in Central & Eastern Europe
- Mazars and King’s College London launch LL.M in International Tax Law
- Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka (GDPR)
- Mazars speeds up its development and strengthens its presence in Germany
Tax News
You will find below Articles and News related to Tax and Advisory Services.
Audit News
You will find below News and Articles related to Audit Sevices.
- MRS 40 – Ulaganja u nekretnine
- Godišnji popis imovine i obveza: Zakonska obveza, porezni aspekti i provedba
- Računovodstveno evidentiranje rabata
- Kapitalizacija izdataka za razvoj nematerijalne imovine unutar poslovnog subjekta
- Novi Zakon o računovodstvu
- F-gas audit for importers of equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases
- IFRS 16 : key points of the lease standard
- MSFI 18 – Prezentacija i objavljivanje u financijskim izvještajima
- IT sektor: Utjecaj troškova razvoja na profitabilnost
- MSFI 17: Ugovori o osiguranju
- MSFI akademija
- IT sektor: Utjecaj troškova razvoja na profitabilnost
- The future of audit: myths, realities and ways forward
- COVID-19: Implications on financial statements
- IFRS for financial instruments
- IT: Utjecaj troškova razvoja na profitabilnost
- News in the regulation on reporting in non-profit accounting and in the register of non-profit organizations
- IFRS 17: Insurance
- IFRS 15 and 16
- IFRS 16: Leases - key points of the new standard
- Guide through IAS 16
- The Differences Between The Old and New Audit Law
- Changes to the RGFI web application
- Consolidation Application Form
Accounting News
You will find here Articles and News related to Accounting Services.
- 20.5. CEE webinar: Robotic process automation in financial functions
- Forest Contribution Fee
- Reducing Membership fee for Croatian Chamber of Economy
- Liquidation of incoming invoices
- Mandatory elements of the Invoice
- Pregled novog Zakona o računovodstvu
- The Rulebook on the contents of salary accrual, salary compensation or redundancy benefit
Financial News
Here you will find useful news concerning finance, mergers and acquisitions, due diligence and other interesting topics covered by our Financial Advisory Department.
- Global private equity report 2025
- Forvis Mazars CEE deal advisory highlights 2024
- Forvis Mazars ranked #4 among CEE M&A Transaction Services advisors in 2024
- EU natječaji za certifikaciju proizvoda i sustava upravljanja te za razvoj inovacija novoosnovanih poduzeća
- Financijski instrumenti s komponentom bespovratnih sredstava za poduzetnike
- Otvoren natječaj za dokazivanje inovativnog koncepta za MSP-ove i istraživačke organizacije
- Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2023/2024
- Nadolazeći Poziv za poduzetnike iz EU fondova - Transformacija i jačanje konkurentnosti kulturnih i kreativnih industrija
- Mazars in CEE ranks #3 for M&A Transaction Services by deal count according to ‘Mergermarket Accountant League Table 2023’
- Mazars CEE deal advisory highlights 2023
- Objavljen nacrt Poziva „Jačanje strateških partnerstva za inovacije u procesu industrijske tranzicije“ (SPIN)
- Potpora poduzećima za tranziciju na energetski i resursno učinkovito gospodarstvo
- Zaposlenici kao suvlasnici poduzeća?
- Prodaja biznisa – 4 najčešća izazova za poduzetnike i kako odgovoriti na njih
- Bespovratna sredstva za poduzetnike u 2023. godini
- Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2022/2023
- Mazars CEE deal advisory highlights 2022
- What's the next step for your business?
- Mazars in CEE ranks #5 for M&A Transaction Services by deal count according to ‘Mergermarket Accountant League Table 2022’
- Modernizacijski fond
- Otvoren natječaj za dokazivanje inovativnog koncepta za MSP-ove i znanstvene organizacije
- Objavljen natječaj za poduzetnike u turizmu iz Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti vrijednosti 1,25 milijardi HRK
- Otvoren najveći natječaj za poduzetnike u sklopu Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti
- U sklopu Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti objavljena su dva natječaja za inovativne mikro, male i srednje poduzetnike
- Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2021/2022
- Mazars CEE Deal Advisory Highlights 2021
- Mazars in CEE ranks #5 for M&A Transaction Services by deal count according to ‘Mergermarket Accountant League Table 2021’
- Responsible banking practices: benchmark study 2021
- Novi javni pozivi za sufinanciranje u sektoru zaštite okoliša i energetske učinkovitosti
- Carve-outs in the automotive industry
- 28.10. CEE webinar: Business sustainability reporting & changes in the EU’s CSRD guidelines
- Objavljeni Pozivi na dostavu projektnih prijedloga u okviru Programa “Energija i klimatske promjene”
- We held an ESEF panel
- ESEF panel
- EU vaučeri za digitalizaciju poduzeća
- Održan webinar na temu prilika iz EU fondova u novom programskom razdoblju 2021. – 2027.
- Webinar: EU fondovi i prilike u novom programskom razdoblju 2021. - 2027.
- EU projects: 1.14 billion kuna to processing companies
- Mazars is partnering CEE private equity & venture capital conference
- Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2020/2021
- Mazars CEE Deal Advisory Highlights 2020
- Covid-19 and the world of private equity
- Mazars ranked among top M&A transaction advisors in CEE region for 2020
- Provođenje spajanja i akvizicije (M&A) u CEE regiji: porezne zamke i mogućnosti strukturiranja
- Covid-19 and the World of Private Equity
- Valuation in Time of Crisis - Mazars' Report
- Covid-19 economic AID measures: ESIF loans for working capital Financing
- Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2019/2020
- Analiza maloprodaje
- Alokacija kupovne cijene
- Istiskivanje manjinskih dioničara ili 'Squeeze-out' proces
- CEE View: Inbound M&A report 2018/2019
- Turizam i hotelska industrija u Hrvatskoj
- Analiza industrije hrane i pića
- Mazars advised Quaestus Nekretnine Plc (“QUNE”) in asset deal
- Announcement of Successful Transaction completion
Sustainability & ESG News
You will find below Articles and News related to Sustainability & ESG Services.
- How companies can improve climate strategy outcomes
- A new era for climate risk analysis
- EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Ensuring your supply chain is compliant
- Sustainability practices stocktake: how banks and insurers have progressed
- Sustainable, smart, and synchronised: using technology to accelerate the ESG transition in the consumer sector
- C-suite barometer 2023: ESG insights
- Izazovi i planovi rukovoditelja diljem svijeta
- How advanced are you on your sustainability journey?