Pere Mioč Partner, Tax Advisory
Pere Mioč, LLM is the Partner of the Forvis Mazars Tax Advisory department in Croatia, who also coordinates and leads the Forvis Mazars tax departments in the Adriatic region (Slovenia and Serbia). He started his career at Forvis Mazars in 2012, since then he has been actively involved in taxes and consulting. Pere works on more complex tax consulting projects, due diligence and transfer pricing. He specializes in corporate tax and VAT. He also has significant experience in tax matters in the tourism, real estate, energy and pharmaceutical sectors.
Pere graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, after which he received additional education at King's College in London on the Masters of Laws - International Tax Law program and is currently taking the UK Chartered Accountant (ACCA) certificate. He is the co-author of the books "How to prepare for tax administration supervision" and "Mazars - tax consultant". He is an active lecturer at the MBA programs of the Swiss School of Business and Management, and has given a significant number of lectures on tax topics at various other institutions.
Pere actively speaks English.
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Pages associated to Pere Mioč
- ESG i transferne cijene
- Webinar: Amount B of Pillar 1 – Simplified approach for distribution
- Izazovi iz prakse prilikom provođenja kompenzacijskih usklađenja transfernih cijena
- Izvješće o informacijama o porezu na dobit
- Mazars Central and Eastern European tax guide 2023
- CEE Webinar - Transfer pricing update in the CEE region
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 2/2022
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 1/2022
- Mazars Tax News - January 2022
- Mazars Tax News - December 2021
- Unlocking trust: why global compliance is on the business agenda
- Mazars Tax News - November 2021
- Croatian Tax Administration: Hidden employment queries
- Mazars Tax News - October 2021
- Mazars’ flagship conference - Set for change: tax transparency, a way towards sustainability
- Mazars Central and Eastern European tax guide 2021
- Doing M&A in Asia Pacific: Tax traps and structuring opportunities
- Global tax webinars June 2021
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, May 2021
- Webinar -Doing M&A in CEE: Tax traps and structuring opportunities
- Mazars Extraordinary Tax Newsletter 14th May 2021
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, April 2021
- Mazars Extraordinary Tax Newsletter 8th April 2021
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, March 2021
- Mazars Extraordinary Tax Newsletter 8th March 2021
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, February 2021
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, January 2021
- Mazars extraordinary tax newsletter - January 21st, 2021.
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- We warmly welcome you to ‘Let’s talk global tax’, Mazars’ global tax blog
- Mazars Extraordinary Tax Newsletter - December 29th 2020
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, November & December 2020.
- Mazars extraordinary tax newsletter - 14th December 2020
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, September 2020
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, October 2020
- Dopuna i izmjene kod HZZ potpora za očuvanje radnih mjesta
- Covid-19: HZZ potpore - kolovoz 2020
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, June 2020
- COVID-19: HZZ potpora za očuvanje radnih mjesta
- COVID-19: Exemption from tax liabilities, Changes to the Croatian Employment Service’s & incentives for job preservation
- Covid - 19 and CES incentive for job preservation
- Kalkulator troška plaće
- Second round of extraordinary tax measures as a reponse to covid–19
- COVID-19 & Your Business
- Extraordinary tax measures in a view of the coronavirus outbreak
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, February 2020.
- The 2020 Tax Reform Overview
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, January 2020
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, December 2019
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, November 2019
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, October 2019
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, September 2019
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, August 2019
- MAZARS TAX GUIDE: Mazars Central And Eastern European Tax Guide, July 201.
- Mazars Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2019
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, June 2019
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, May 2019
- Mazars Tax Newsletter, April 2019
- Forvis Mazars Tax Newsletter!