The Board Charter. For Sustainable Success

The Board Charter. For Sustainable Success® is a practical and powerful tool for boards wishing to adopt a stakeholder and society-oriented approach to business.

Forvis Mazars in India developed The Board Charter. For Sustainable Success® to influence a shift from short-term to long-term thinking and strengthen the trust between business and society. Now in its second edition, the Board Charter asks tough questions of business while providing insightful guidance on the key factors that influence sustainable success:

  • Boardroom leadership
  • Purpose, value and ethics
  • Fostering innovation
  • The fair treatment of stakeholders

The first edition of the Board Charter was developed with the collective support and contribution from leading organisations working in this space, regulatory bodies and individuals from the corporate, investment and academic communities, following an active consultation process.

Download a copy of the Board Charter below.

“The success of our economy depends on well-managed companies with good boards of directors. So, for the success of the economy we need boards which come close to what is in the Charter – the closer they get, the more successful we will be.”
 David Pitt-Watson
 Chair, UN Environmental Programme Finance Initiative and Executive Fellow, London Business School


The Board Charter