Global webinar: Understanding CBAM's Impact on Your Business

We are excited to announce an upcoming webinar dedicated to demystifying the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), set to become applicable from October 1, 2023.

This initiative is designed to provide businesses importing specific goods into the EU with vital information to navigate the intricacies of CBAM effectively.

  • When: Tuesday, 31 October 2023, 14:00 RO time

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Starting from October 1, 2023, EU importers are obligated to report the embedded emissions in CBAM-regulated products. This webinar will concentrate on elucidating the impending changes and their impact on the supply chain. Additionally, we will outline ways in which our team can support your business in preparations, ensuring operational compliance, and aligning with your sustainability objectives.


  • Who files CBAM reports: Learn who needs to submit CBAM reports, including importers, authorized entities, and customs representatives.
  • Covered products: Understand which products are affected, like iron, steel, cement, fertilizers, aluminum, electricity, and hydrogen, and differentiate between raw materials and finished goods.
  • Preventing carbon leakage: Discover how CBAM aims to stop carbon emissions from escaping by placing a carbon levy on certain imports from non-EU and non-EFTA nations, linked to the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) price.
  • Future expansions: Find out about potential expansions, like adding more products (e.g., chemicals and polymers) by 2026 and full integration of EU ETS products by 2030.
  • Customs procedures: Learn about specific customs procedures, particularly inward processing.
  • Quarterly reporting: Understand the requirement for importers of CBAM-regulated goods to submit quarterly reports.
  • Full regulation scope: Know when the complete CBAM regulation takes effect, starting on January 1, 2026.              

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