Site map
Press releases
- NAFA has published the RO e-Transport guide
- M&A deals in 2024
- A unique $5bn global network
- Mazars launches a dedicated Turkish Desk
- Year-end closing
- Elevating talent acquisition
- New local Partner
- Forvis Mazars earns Best Place to Work status
- Turkish investments in Romania continue to expand
- Public and social sector study 2024
- Aligning with OECD’s Pillar 2
- CEE Tax Guide highlights key taxation trends
- The talent revolution
- HR | Managing the transition to retirement
- Continuous auditing
- New governance model and leadership positions
- Proposal for a regulatory and taxation framework
- Digital tax reporting
- Salary benefits
- New Directors
- Female leadership in Romania
- Companies must implement the anti-harassment Guide by 17 April 2024
- C-suite optimistic for a year of transformation
- Penalties for failure to submit the CbC report
- Six sectors responsible for CO2 emissions
- CSRD Directive was transposed into Romanian law
- Dealmaking in CEE held up strongly in 2023
- Mazars announces record revenues for 2023
- Mazars in Romania strengthens its leadership team
- The global minimum tax is applicable in Romania
- Mazars and FORVIS to form a top-10 global network
- Mazars in Romania | Local Partners
- CbCR legislation aligned with the EU Directive
- Mazars Releases its 2023 Tax Guide for Europe
- Mazars C-suite barometer
- Mazars’ record global revenues
- Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2022/2023
- New reporting obligations for digital platforms
- Mazars in Romania announces new Audit Director
- Eight myths that hold back women's careers
- ESG report
- Financial Reporting of European Banks
- The EU VAT Gap has decreased
- Tax transparency becomes a top priority in Romania
- Taxpayers' guide for 2023
- Cyber security report
- Mazars publishes CEE Tax Guide 2022
- The electronic invoicing
- The fixed establishments' controversy
- Responsible Banking
- Mazars 2021 C-suite barometer
- M&A deals in 2022: analysing the tax risks
- Mazars’ integrated business model and strategy
- Leadership in transition
- Mazars Romania appoints three new directors
- The EU Public Country-by-Country reporting
- The race to data maturity study
- VAT collection
- Compensation strategy
- Global compliance study
- The automotive industry at the tipping-point
- Sustainable finance policy tracker
- Today’s reality: remote work
- Mazars publishes its latest CEE Tax Guide
- Brexit – adapting to a changing environment
- The digital single market: a new VAT regime
- New directors in Mazars Romania
- Mazars Romania announces new Tax Director
- The future of audit
- Responsible banking benchmark
- Human intelligence augmented by AI
- The automotive industry
- Dealmaking in the CEE region remained steady
- Digital learning
- New annual barometer
- Mazars Romania announces new HR & Payroll Director
- Mazars Romania announces new Tax Director
- Digital Darwinism: tech luxury
- PE funds seeking new opportunities in 2021
- Rethinking the future of audit
- The new digital world
- The luxury sector
- Mazars shows resilience with good 2019/20 results
- Transfer pricing analysis - Romanian manufacturers
- OECD’ Guidance on the implications of the pandemic
- The media market is reshaped by three pillars
- Mazars rebrand marks key milestones
- COVID-19 and the employee experience
- The Labor Code, in support of the human resources
- Romania is losing EUR 6.5 billion in VAT revenues
- Grants for employers - teleworking system
- How Telcos are redesigning their journey
- SURE initiative: Romanian business environment
- Mazars CEE Tax Guide 2020 released
- The National Plan for Economic Recovery
- Gender Diversity
- Changing the rules of the tech game
- Mazars Study: Private Equity
- Luxury Goods
- The management of the tax liabilities
- Corporate Governance
- Real beneficiaries
- The Retail Industry
- The transformation of the automotive industry
- Unblocking some amounts - VAT refund
- Mazars supports CTP in a 30 MEUR investment
- Implications COVID-19 from an IFRS perspective
- Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A Report 2019/2020
- Mazars publishes Tech Train study
- The future of the Romanian real estate market
- Mazars reports outstanding performance in 2019
- Telcos’ net income margins decreased
- Mazars in Romania corporate governance study
- Mazars-creates-Mazars-North-America-Alliance
- Mazars relocates to new office
- 23.04 Webinar: Food & Beverages sector in CEE
- 23.04 Mazars Learning Lab Webinar RO e-Transport
- 19.06 Forvis Mazars Learning Lab: RO e-Transport
- 17.09 Webinar: Amount B of Pillar 1
- 11.09 TIAD Webinar: Tax updates
- 27.11 CbCR webinar
- 20.11 Webinar CEE: Energy sector
- 10.12 Forvis Mazars HR & Payroll workshop II
- 14.11 Forvis Mazars HR & Payroll workshop I
- 22.01 Forvis Mazars Learning Lab: Year-end Closing
- 11.04 Webinar: Renewables in CEE
- 23.01 Year-end closing event 2023
- 13.03 e-Invoicing in Romania. What’s next?
- 05.02 Pillar 2 GloBE: CEE perspective&useful tools
- 21.03 Webinar: Transfer Pricing Controversy
- Mazars events organised in 2022
- Mazars events organised in 2023
- Mazars events organised in 2021
- Mazars events organised in 2020
Partnering for Ukraine’s reconstruction
- Reconstruction of Ukraine newsletter - March 2024
- Reconstruction of Ukraine newsletter - April 2024
- Mazars statement for the 2nd year of war | Ukraine
- Partnering for Ukraine’s reconstruction report
- Ukraine's reconstruction: a doing business guide
- Reconstruction of Ukraine newsletter - June 2024
- Reconstruction of Ukraine newsletter - May 2024