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Stiglo je novo pojačanje našem timu u Bosni i Hercegovini

Na samom startu nove sezone stigli su nam novi kolege, direktori revizije Adnan Bahtanović i računovodstva Edina Džanko koji će biti odgovorni za vođenje klijenata, te daljnju izgradnju saradnji i kvalitetnih projekata sa privrednom zajednicom.

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Forvis Mazars earns Best Place to Work status in CEE and Central Asia

Forvis Mazars is now recognised as one of the best places to work in Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Around 1,500 people from 16 countries across CEE and Central Asia participated in the survey and shared their experience of working with Forvis Mazars. The participants placed the organisation among their top employers of choice resulting in the firm receiving an 81% certification score.

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Webinar: Amount B of Pillar 1 – Simplified approach for distribution

The Inclusive Framework approved the report on Amount B of Pillar 1 on February 19, 2024. This approach simplifies transfer pricing rules for marketing and distribution activities. Unlike Amount A or Pillar 2, no turnover threshold applies, making it relevant for all multinational enterprises with distribution functions.

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2024

Does the perceived reduction in risk amongst European banks hint at early signs of optimism for the sector? Throughout 2023, we observed a global economic slowdown, ongoing geopolitical tensions, and the rapid rise of new technologies. As we analyse the year-end results of the 26 largest banks in Europe, what do these figures reveal about expected credit losses and how these institutions manage persistent uncertainties in the banking landscape?

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Svečano otvorenje Forvis Mazars ureda u Sarajevu

Dana 20.6.2024. godine održali smo svečani prijem u Gradskoj vijećnici kako bismo proslavili otvaranje našeg novog ureda u Sarajevu. Gala događaju prisustvovali su brojni ugledni gosti iz poslovnog svijeta. Među gostima su bili predstavnici vodećih kompanija, naši partneri i klijenti, članovi različitih udruženja, te predstavnici važnih institucija iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Ceremonija je uključivala govore ključnih ljudi iz Forvis Mazarsa, koji su istakli značaj ovog novog ureda za unapređenje poslovanja i povezivanje sa lokalnom zajednicom.

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Forvis Mazars shakes up professional services industry with its new $5 billion global network

3 June 2024 – Two leading professional services firms, Mazars, an international partnership operating in over 100 countries and territories, and FORVIS, a top ranked firm in the United States, today mark the official launch of their new global network, Forvis Mazars.

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OECD Pillar 2 GloBE in CEE: Preparing for a different tax future

More than 140 jurisdictions have now signed up in principle to the global minimum tax framework, representing a ground-breaking plan to update key elements of the international tax system, which is no longer fit for purpose in a global and digitalised economy.

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Mazars announces another year of record revenues as it builds global ambition

6 February 2024 – Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases its global financial results for 2022/2023. This is the third consecutive year the firm has achieved double-digit growth across all services (both audit and non-audit). Despite ongoing market uncertainty, revenues are up 13% on last year, reaching €2.8 billion in fee income.

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Mazars and FORVIS to form unique new top 10 global network

15 November 2023 – Mazars, the leading international audit, tax, and advisory firm and FORVIS, the eighth largest public accounting firm in the United States, today jointly announce they will create a new, top 10 global network , effective 1 June 2024. The new network will position both firms for continued global growth by expanding their capabilities to serve clients, especially those with international needs.

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Mazars’ record global revenues confirm strength of its international, integrated, multidisciplinary strategy

14/02/2023: Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases its global financial results for the 2021/2022 financial year, highlighting double-digit year-on-year growth of 16.4%, reaching €2.45bn in fee income. The increase in revenue comprises strong growth across all regions and services, both audit and non-audit (full details below).

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