Global French services

Whether you are a French company seeking your next global opportunity or an international business looking to expand in France, you can rely on Forvis Mazars to help you make the right business decisions and successfully manage your investment.

(Lire la version française)  

With our deep understanding of the French business environment and culture, we support multi-national clients in setting up their business in France with audit, tax and advisory services. At the same time, we accompany French clients in their international development in more than 100 countries thanks to our network and our dedicated French desks.

Our seamless integration means that you will benefit from a single point of contact and the same methodologies everywhere, guaranteeing a tailor-made and cost-effective service as well as flexible, rapid, and efficient coordination between your team and our bilingual experts in France and other offices.

(For Chinese companies aiming to invest in the globe, please refer to Forvis Mazars’ Global China Services.)


French Desk in China

Forvis Mazars in China has set up a French Desk to assist French companies at all stage of their corporate development.

The French Desk multicultural team comprises bilingual and trilingual professionals fully able to handle French companies’ issues thanks to their cross-border experience, knowledge and dual qualifications in French-Chinese accounting and regulatory requirements. 

At Forvis Mazars, the French Desk professionals can also draw on the expertise and knowledge of the specialist teams in Audit & assurance, Accounting & outsourcing services, Advisory, Tax consulting and Training as required by the on-going assignment.

In addition, Forvis Mazars’ international and integrated partnership structure allows our French Desk professionals to work closely with Forvis Mazars’ teams in France on cross-border assignments.


Our Services

To succeed in your international development, you must anticipate organisational, operational and financial challenges. The audit, advisory and tax experts who work on our French desks understand local specifics and global markets. They bridge the gap and overcome difficulties often experienced when doing business in France and abroad by providing custom-made services wherever and whenever you need it.

1.    Supporting French companies to establish in China

Forvis Mazars in China can support French businesses planning to invest or operate in China by providing the following services:

2.    Advising French companies in China

For French businesses which already operate in China, Forvis Mazars can provide additional services:

3.    Supporting Chinese companies to establish in France

Forvis Mazars in China is directly connected to the Forvis Mazars China Desk in Paris, part of Forvis Mazars Global China Services platform, to provide seamless services to Chinese companies planning to invest in France.

Our services include:

  • Providing an understanding on the business environment, accounting framework and tax regime in France
  • Performing market entry feasibility studies and investment environment analyses
  • Navigating through the IPO process in the French financial markets
  • Identifying French acquisition targets and all related transaction support services
  • Introducing other business support services (e.g. real estate agents, banks, recruitment consultants, etc.)
  • Assisting Chinese companies and individuals with their tax obligations and provide payroll and social welfare compliance support services
  • Assisting Chinese companies in converting financial statements from/to IFRS and Chinese GAAP or provide technical reconciliation services
  • Legal compliance, including work permits

Forvis Mazars French Desk’s clients range from publicly listed companies to private entities of French/European origin.


Our Team around the world

To support your business, Forvis Mazars mobilises professionals, bilingual and bicultural experts with local expertise around the world. These teams are familiar with local systems and public support measures and will support you whether you are looking to export from or invest in France.


Guide - Doing business in France 2024
Doing business in China 2024
