Mazars Tax Seminars

Find out the fiscal measures announced in the latest Malaysian Budget Proposals hosted by Mazars in Malaysia.

11th Mazars Tax Seminar

The Honorable Minister of Finance, YB Tuan Lim Guan Eng, will table the 2020 Malaysian Budget Proposals on 11 October 2019. According to Bloomberg’s report on 12 July 2019, Singapore’s gross domestic product shrank an annualized 3.4% in the second quarter from the previous three months whereas China trade figures for export experienced a decline of 1.35% in June 2019. How did Malaysia fare? Come and find out the fiscal measures announced in the 2020 Malaysian Budget Proposals.

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10th Mazars Tax Seminar

The Honorable Minister of Finance of the new Malaysian Government, YB Tuan Lim Guan Eng, will table his maiden 2019 Malaysian Budget Proposals on 2 November 2018. These Budget Proposals are expected to be formulated based on zero-based budgeting and aim to reduce the country’s debts in three years. Come and find out the fiscal measures that will stimulate businesses and improve the rakyat’s wellbeing.

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9th Mazars Tax Seminar

The Prime Minister cum Minister of Finance of Malaysia, YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, will table the 2018 Malaysian Budget Proposals on 27 October 2017. How will the 2018 Budget Proposals impact you and your business? The man on the street and businesses are always on the lookout for goodies in these challenging times. Will there be any in the 2018 Budget Proposals?

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