Forvis Mazars in Korea ranked 5th in 2024 M&A accounting advisory league table
Forvis Mazars in Korea has ranked 5th in the 2024 M&A Accounting Advisory category (announcement basis) in the M&A League Table compiled by The Bell, a leading economic media outlet in Korea. This marks a rise from 10th in 2023, reflecting the firm's rapid growth and strengthened market position.
According to The Bell’s "2024 M&A Accounting Advisory Performance" report, Forvis Mazars in Korea worked on transactions 6 transactions (totaling more than KRW 150 billion), hence securing a position just behind the Big 4 accounting firms.
The firm’s Financial Advisory Services (FAS) team provides a broad range of services, including Financial Due Diligence (FDD), Valuation, and M&A Advisory. Its cross-border M&A advisory services, leveraging a global network, have been highly regarded by clients and have proven a success across various industries.
In 2024, Forvis Mazars in Korea advised for cross-border M&A transactions, clients from France, the UK, and Japan. Additionally, it provided financial model review and financial due diligence services for offshore wind power and infrastructure projects in the renewable energy sector. Domestically, the firm offered tailored solutions to small-to-mid-sized private equity firms (PE), and large venture capital (VC) firms in their investments for companies belonging to semiconductors, healthcare, and beauty.
Julien Herveau, Lead Partner of Forvis Mazars in Korea, commented on this achievement: “Being the main accounting firm for transaction services in Korea, after the Big 4 firms, is an amazing tribute to our development in serving both international and domestic businesses. We take this opportunity to thank our clients who trusted us with their important external growth projects, as well as all our Mazarians involved in these projects.”
Joong-Hwan Na, Partner and Head of the FAS shared the firm’s plans for 2025: “We aim to expand services for private equity and venture capital clients, leveraging our global one-firm model to strengthen cross-border M&A services for both domestic and international clients. To support this growth, we will continue to invest in talent, including recently hiring experienced professionals from Big 4 firms’ FAS teams.”
This achievement solidifies Forvis Mazars in Korea’s position in the M&A accounting advisory sector. The firm is committed to supporting M&A transactions and expanding its competitiveness in the global market.
Tae-Hee Kong, MarCom, Forvis Mazars in Korea
tae-hee.kong@forvismazars.com / +82 (0)2 3438 2461
About Forvis Mazars
Forvis Mazars is a leading global professional services network operating under a single brand with just two members: Forvis Mazars, LLP in the United States and Forvis Mazars Group SC, an internationally integrated partnership operating in over 100 countries and territories. Both members share a commitment to providing an unmatched client experience, delivering audit & assurance, tax, advisory, and consulting services across the globe.
About Forvis Mazars
Forvis Mazars in Korea (Forvis Mazars Sebit Accounting Corporation) is member of Forvis Mazars Global, a a leading professional services network. Specialized in audit, tax, advisory and outsourcing, Forvis Mazars in Korea is supporting local and foreign-invested companies operating business in Korea and globally. With expertise and cultural understanding, our 100+ professionals assist clients of all sizes at every stage in their development.
Visit forvismazars.com/kr to learn more.