Articles & Opinions
Articles & Opinions
You will find here the articles written by Forvis Mazars Poland experts.
Zarządzanie ryzykiem ESG - wdrożenie wytycznych Europejskiego Urzędu Nadzoru Bankowego w sektorze bankowym

Poniżej prezentujemy najważniejsze informacje dotyczące wytycznych Europejskiego Urzędu Nadzoru Finansowego (EBA) dotyczące zarządzania ryzykami środowiskowymi, społecznymi i ładu korporacyjnego (ESG). Zgodnie z przedstawionym haromonogramem, wytyczne będą obowiązywać europejskie banki od 11 stycznia 2026 r. z wyjątkiem małych i nieskomplikowanych instytucji.
Ustawa o rachunkowości wdraża dyrektywę CSRD

Nowelizacja ustawy o rachunkowości wdraża dyrektywę CSRD, wprowadzając kluczowe zmiany w zakresie sprawozdawczości ESG, raportowania zrównoważonego rozwoju i weryfikacji przez biegłych rewidentów
More than a payroll market trend, digitisation continues to shape the way we work, how we get paid, and everything in between

Companies today operate in dynamic markets and conditions, ones that require highly adaptable actions to maintain the balance. New needs and trends are emerging as the ever-changing business environment is becoming even more demanding.
Each year, the ways of communication, business goals, and security matters push the bar and dictate the way in setting priorities.
Each year, the ways of communication, business goals, and security matters push the bar and dictate the way in setting priorities.
HR digitization in terms of HR and payroll processes

Digitization is the conversion of analogue processes and objects into their digital counterparts. Thanks to digitization and modern technologies anything on paper can become available in a digital form.
Impact of payment holidays on loan valuation - simulation analysis

The topic of mortgage payment holiday is discussed in every discussion regarding Polish banking sector. The analyses(1) show that the cost of introducing payment holiday can reach even PLN 20-30 billion. It is worth analysing more thoroughly their impact on mortgage loan valuation depending on its maturity, type of payment and interest rate.
Mazars C-Suite 2021: cybersecurity is a priority for Polish executives

In the last quarter of 2021, Mazars took the pulse of over 1000 managers from 39 countries to understand the opportunities and challenges they face. How do the responses of the Polish executives stand out against the others? As it comes to major expected business transformations, executives in Poland generally agree with leaders from other countries.
Reinventing the wheel: driving conversations

The mobility sector is undergoing major transformations as it responds to evolving consumer expectations and demands for cleaner, more connected, and sharable mobility solutions. To shed light on what’s happening ‘on the ground’ as key players work to shape the future of mobility, we have created part two of our ‘Reinventing the wheel’ series, featuring interviews with mobility experts and senior executives from leading automotive players.
The new cyber risk landscape

The reliance of most businesses on technology and data is undeniable. However, as this reliance increases, so too do the risks around cyber security.