Corporate transformation services
A successful transformation requires specialized knowledge on tax, accounting, and law, and an administrative oversight of the entire process in order to comply with all regulatory requirements, which in the end leads to a successful registration of the new organisation by the Court of Registry.
There are several critical decisions to be made by shareholders and management during the process, which require adequate information and knowledge to ensure that the transformation is not only an administrative process, but, if possible, also a value increasing one.
The decisions made during the transformation have a significant impact on the taxation, financial statements, equity structure, and daily operation of the newly emerging companies, therefore, due care is needed when planning the process.
Several questions must be addressed during a transformation process, such as
- What is the most efficient transformation structure (fusion, merger, separation, demerger)?
- What are the tax consequences of the transformation?
- Should the transformation take place at net book value or market value?
- What legal procedures and disclosure requirements must be fulfilled?
- Is there any procedure required on behalf of the Hungarian Competition Authority or other Authorities?
- What financial statements must be prepared during the process?
- Does the company have internal resources and experience for preparing an asset balance sheet and an asset inventory?
- What equity requirements need to be fulfilled for a successful Court registration?
- How can equity compliance issues be resolved during the transformation?
- Who is competent to implement the process within the company?
Our multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals can help you answer these questions and guide you through the process of corporate transformation using our project management skills and experience, tax, legal, and audit expertise.
Our corporate transformation services include
- A complete range of advisory services and project management related to the transformation;
- Tax and audit advisory services related to the transformation and restructuring;
- Performing the audit tasks of the transformation;
- Audit cross-border transformations;
- Legal advisory services and administration during the transformation process.
If you have any question, please, contact our experts.