Whistleblowing and complaint forms

Our values are built on a platform that we hope will ensure long-term, sustainable success for the organisation. We want to work with our values at the forefront, providing the best possible service to our clients and the best possible environment for our team.

Whistleblowing system at the Forvis Mazars Group

We have introduced a whistleblowing system at our company. The purpose of the whistleblowing system is to ensure compliance with the provisions of Act XXV of 2023 on complaints, whistleblowing and rules relating to the reporting of breaches in case of violations by the employees of any provision of law or the Policies of the Company, from among which the document entitled the Data Processing Policy is also available on the website of Forvis Mazars.
Forvis Mazars uses all appropriate security measures to ensure the protection of the information collected in the context of the whistleblowing procedure, in compliance with its privacy policy and with all applicable regulations.

Whistleblowing report

The whistleblower may submit his or her report in writing.

A whistleblowing report may be submitted electronically by completing the digital form available on the Whistleblowing page of the www.forvismazars.com/hu website or by dowloading and comleting the form and sending it by email to visszaelesbejelentes@mazars.hu or by postal mail to the following address:

Forvis Mazars Kft.

1139 Budapest, Fiastyúk u. 4-8. 2. em.

Who is entitled to submit a report?

We accept reports through the whistleblowing system by Forvis Mazars affiliates, partners and employees with fixed-term or indefinite contracts, as well as by persons who have other legal relationships with our Company.

We cannot consider and investigate reports submitted from the outsider by persons not related to Forvis Mazars in any way.

Right of access and modification

A whistleblower has the right of access, opposition and correction of data that concerns him or her, and to ask for their modification or deletion if they are incorrect, incomplete or obsolete, in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.  

To exercise such right, the Employee Contact Form below should be completed.

The detailed rules of the whistleblowing system are set out in the Whistleblowing Policy!


Forvis Mazars Whistleblowing Policy
Forvis Mazars Employer’s Whistleblowing Form