IT Consultancy

In the current business environment, data and the valuable insights it holds have emerged as the most valuable assets, providing companies with a substantial competitive edge.

As a result, it is essential to prioritize the quality of the systems responsible for storing and processing this information, ensuring they align with your business requirements and effectively protect critical data belonging to your organization and customers.

It is crucial to ensure that your company's IT environment meets the ever-changing regulatory requirements, guarantees the quality of financial reporting, and supports managers and business owners in making informed decisions with the right quantity and quality of data.

Our IT consultancy services encompass various aspects, including IT security, business continuity planning, and comprehensive support and follow-up for data migration projects.

We offer solutions in the following scenarios:

  • When your organization requires specialized expertise that is not available internally.
  • When internal resources are insufficient to meet the IT demands adequately.
  • When there is a need to supplement internal capacity on a temporary or project basis.
  • When management seeks external experts to reinforce and enhance IT capabilities.
  • When ensuring and verifying compliance with external or internal expectations and requirements is necessary.

Our IT consultancy services are backed by a team of expert professionals and dedicated subcontractors, ensuring comprehensive support and guidance throughout the engagement.

Our Services

IT Consulting and Information Security Services

  • Conducting IT system assessments, IT audits, and information security risk analyses from a security perspective.
  • Deploying IT governance systems, developing and reviewing IT policies.
  • Performing pre-implementation assessments and providing dedicated support.
  • Offering support and conducting post-migration verification of data.
  • Verifying the adequacy of data provided by third parties.
  • Providing IT project management support.

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NIS2 szolgáltatások: a digitális biztonság új korszaka

A digitális korban a biztonság nem csupán választás kérdése, hanem elengedhetetlen követelmény. Az Európai Unió által jóváhagyott NIS2 irányelv a digitális infrastruktúra és a kapcsolódó szolgáltatások védelmének erősítését célozza. Magyarországon a SZTFH (mint felügyeleti hatóság) 2024-ben vezeti be az irányelvet.

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Want to know more?

Betyak Zoltan
Betyak Zoltan Head of Innovation/ Innovation and IT audit Budapest

Detailed profile