External audit/audits of financial statements

A financial audit is all about producing trustworthy financial information, but at Forvis Mazars we go beyond simply making sure that the figures add up. We advise you on the consistency and reliability of your financial information.

As well as looking at your financial statements, Forvis Mazars will help you improve the way that you produce and present economic and financial information to help you manage risks effectively. You will also be in a better position to make strategic decisions and have more transparency with stakeholders.

Why Forvis Mazars?

Our highly skilled staff has the right tools and methodologies to adapt to your organisations’ needs. Furthermore, experts across our business are able to provide a range of specialist solutions. Forvis Mazars conform to the auditing and accounting standards to ensure that your business activities are in compliance with accounting laws and regulations. Forvis Mazars is well recognised internationally and we have experience across a range of industries.

Our approach to auditing your financial statements begins with obtaining a thorough understanding of your business and industry, including your internal controls, and ends with the expression of an opinion as to whether the financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects. As a part of this process, we identify and assess the risks which may cause your financial statements to be materially misstated and develop our audit strategy in response to those risks. Forvis Mazars will check that your accounting and financial information maintains consistency and transparency. Our teams will focus on your industry-specific requirements – your strategy, operations and finances – in order to ensure in depth knowledge of your business and stakes and establish a long-term working relationship.

Ongoing communication with your company and management is a fundamental part of our approach. Prior to, and during the audit, our experts work closely with our clients to develop a service plan and calendar, which includes engagement planning meetings and frequent client communications intended to produce an efficient and cost-effective audit while minimizing disruption of your daily routine.

Every assignment is overseen by the partner or director in charge (‘engagement leader’) who is entirely responsible for the audit. This engagement leader will always be your main contact point within Mazars. We want you to be fully informed and in control at all stages of the assignment so that you have the opportunity to ask questions or make adjustments to the process whenever you want to.

Because We Care

Does your organisation also need support with the increasing demands of evolving and changing accounting standards? Forvis Mazars can ensure that you are compliant with International Accounting Standards (IAS), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or other applicable GAAP frameworks in your year-end accounts. To meet these requirements, we will provide:

  • Annual (or more frequent) audits
  • Examination of pro forma accounts
  • Analysis of complex accounting situations
  • A country and industry-specific approach

Forvis Mazars has specific technical expertise in many complex areas of financial reporting and we can also supply you with experienced technical trainers who provide tailored courses to guide your finance teams through the complexities of GAAP, IFRS or other GAAP requirements