Retail tax

The retail tax was first introduced in the Hungarian tax system in the form of a sectoral surcharge in 2010, and was discontinued only a few years later, in 2013, because of the possibility of a conflict with EU law. Eventually, the Court of Justice of the European Union found that the Hungarian provision of law did not violate the common EU principles. From 2020, taxpayers once again have to calculate with this public charge, as the retail tax once again became part of the Hungarian tax regime.

The retail tax liability may affect all economic entities that sell their products, even if only in part, to private customers. Many economic entities are not aware that, if they serve private customers through a sales channel, then not only their revenue from selling to private customers, but their revenue realised on this entire distribution channel – also including wholesale sales – may constitute the tax base. As it is a progressive tax, the rate of the retail tax depends on the amount of the net revenue derived from the retail business. It is therefore of paramount importance that the taxpayers concerned act with due care when defining the distribution channels through which they generate taxable revenue.

How can we help?

  • Forvis Mazars’s team of tax experts can assist businesses in determining whether they are subject to the retail tax and if so, in what extent.
  • In addition, by mapping the sales structure of the business, we provide support for the designation of taxable sales channels.
  • We make tax calculations, or can also verify and validate the company’s own tax calculations as required.
  • Further, we prepare a tax calendar tailored to the business year of the tax payer, and help determine the amount of the tax advance.
  • We also provide support for the proper fulfilment of the reporting obligations.

If you have any questions in connection with our services, please contact our advisor colleagues.