Not for profit

Providing tailored support so you can play your vital role in society 

Charities and other not-for-profits play a vital role in our economy and society. However, they often face financial pressures due to changing demographics, fluctuating philanthropic support and regulatory pressures. We help not-for-profit organisations maintain their tax-exempt status, as well as provide a range of audit, tax, and advisory services to secure their operational continuity. We understand that every organisation has different requirements, so we ensure that our solutions are the right fit for your needs.  

Our approach  

At Forvis Mazars, our not-for-profit group is a team of experienced professionals who are experienced with the unique challenges you face. Offering a range of audit, tax and advisory services, we are committed to helping you overcome the obstacles you face and to developing a robust and sustainable operating model. 

The not-for-profit sector is defined by its diversity, which means every organisation has specific requirements. We work with a broad spectrum of not-for-profit groups, such as charities, cultural institutions, interest groups, educational institutions and social housing organisations.  You may be a small organisation or a large, complex organisation. Regardless of size, we can provide you with solutions that are the right fit for your circumstances, rather than provide you with a one-size-fits-all approach.  

Our services 

  • Audit and accounting 
  • Tax planning and compliance 
  • Business operations 
  • Financial advisory 
  • Risk and internal control 
  • Technology assurance 
  • HR consulting 

Our focus

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