Employment Tax Services

Are you prepared for the changes in the ‘WKR’ (Werkkostenregeling)? Are you paying the right sector contributions and WGA contributions? As an employer, you want to make the most of the opportunities offered by the national and international regulations on employment taxes, pensions and cross-border employment. You also want to keep the risks of retrospective tax assessments to a minimum. The Forvis Mazars tax specialists are at your disposal.

Optimal solution for employment tax issues

Whether your operations are national or international, any withholding entity regularly has to deal with issues of tax and national insurance contributions. Our specialists can help you minimise the risks and maximise the opportunities.

We will support you in particular on:

  • Dutch tax and withholding obligations
  • Terms of employment: To what extent are your salaries and employee benefits taxable? Are there tax-efficient alternatives? For example, do you pay net expenses that you have to gross up?
  • Chain Liability: Do you lend employees from related companies or do you outsource projects to subcontractors? In that case, you might be held liable for unpaid taxes and contributions
  • WKR: Understanding the WKR that comes into effect of 2015 will be of your interest. You may end up paying taxes. Think about your expenses, tablets and smartphones, company car, business dinners and office parties
  • Do you have to work with tax audits from the Dutch Tax Administration? We can assist you in consultation or discussion with the Tax Administration, even when it leads to objection and appeal procedures
  • Temporary personnel in Netherlands: Are you working with foreign personnel or constructors? Or are you sending temporary personnel to the Netherlands? You are required to respect not only the fiscal rules, but also the rules in the area of minimum wages, working conditions and adequate housing. We are fully aware of all the opportunities and risks and can help you avoid retrospective tax assessments and penalties
  • International secondment: If you employ expats or employees seconded abroad, you are familiar with the impact cross-border work may have in the area of taxation, social security, working conditions (expat policy) and administration. How can you manage this impact and plan the possible tax opportunities?
  • International payroll service: Your multinational employees must receive the right net salary. At the same time, you need to make the correct payment of taxes and contributions for the countries concerned. What is the procedure for communication between the regular payroll and shadow payroll? Do you calculate the appropriate contributions and apply all tax benefits? We can assist you in the preparation and management of a complex payroll
  • Pension: You want at all costs to avoid a retrospective tax assessment

An approach that fits your organisation

Every business is unique. That is why the specialists of Forvis Mazars always try to find a solution that best suits your organisation. Our no-nonsense approach and ability to empathize enable us to find adequate solutions for your practical problems. So you are able to plan the opportunities that the law offers you and you will not be faced with any unpleasant surprises.

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