Corporate sustainability

Forvis Mazars aims to be Forvis Mazars For Good and have a positive impact on the world and our society. We are fully committed to contributing to this as much as we possibly can.

We do this by providing top quality services to our clients so that they can achieve sustainable growth. We also enable our people to be their very best and build an organisation for future generations of professionals.

Forvis Mazars For Good

Besides ensuring the highest quality and ethical standards in the way we work, our fundamental mission is to promote transparency and increase the stability of companies and financial markets. We feel it is our duty to help our clients become even more sustainable. In order to do this we build the development of our future business and our sustainability strategy on the foundation of our purpose, vision and mission.


To help build the economic foundations of a fair and prosperous world by caring for the success of our people and clients, the health of financial markets and the integrity of our industry.


Providing confidence and taking responsibility to help build a fair and prosperous world.


We are the international, integrated Audit, Accounting, Tax and Advisory partner organisation transparently delivering trust to society with seamless and excellent quality.

When putting the Forvis MazarsForGood strategy into practice, we focus on the following vife pillars.


Integrity and responsibility

The core of our business is based on acting with integrity and taking responsibility. These are our main principles as an audit, tax and advisory firm. Our global code of conduct serves as a moral compass for our daily activities. It clearly states who we are, what we expect from our people and how we expect everyone at Frovis Mazars to deal with our clients, stakeholders and communities at large.

Our license to operate is to deliver trust through leading quality. To be able to do so we continuously work and have attention for fostering an inclusive and feedback-oriented culture in line with our core values.

Forvis Mazars’ success is based on the relationship of trust we have with our clients and stakeholders.

We take responsibility for our personal and professional conduct. We care about our impact on the communities we work in and seek to have a positive impact. 

Doing business for good

Sustainability is an important topic for organisations. Climate change, an increasing inequality in welfare and a decrease of biodiversity are issues for which every company needs to take responsibility. This results in an increasing demand of accountability for a company’s impact on the environment and society. With our services, we help our clients with the implementation of sustainability indicators in their policies, information management systems and reporting.

As a firm of auditors and advisors, Forvis Mazars has a public role in society. Auditors provide an independent opinion on financial statements on which stakeholders can trust and on which they can base their decisions.

People at the heart of our development

The strength and success of our organisation is determined by the development and well-being of our people. We are a learning organisation. Giving employees the opportunity to develop as professionals is one of our key principles. Learning and developing enable our organisation to prepare for the future in a sustainable manner.

One of our values is diversity and this is an important factor in the success of our organisation. The diversity of people who choose to work for us truly enriches our partnership. This is why we have chosen to actively manage the most important pillar of our organisation: our people. Recruiting and retaining talent is one of the key objectives and our top priority.

Optimum performance requires a proper balance between body and mind. For sure, personal well-being and vitality are significant organisational topics that have been placed in a totally new perspective more than ever. We are constantly looking for solutions to actively contribute to the well-being of our people. Less time is spent travelling and there will be more opportunities to work on a good work-life-study balance.

Reducing climate and environmental impact

In developing its services, Forvis Mazars seeks to minimise any adverse impact on the environment. Part of our sustainability strategy is dedicated to combating climate change. For instance, we are becoming more sustainable when it comes to our procurement policy, we are aware of the consumption of and in our buildings, and we encourage the use of public transport and the purchase of electric cars. In addition, each day we experience the many advantages of digital meetings. Remote meetings and reduced travel for appointments are our future standard.

Community involvement

We believe that the performance of an organisation cannot be gauged from its financial and economic results alone. Our concern for the public interest goes beyond the issues related to our profession and expertise. Therefore, we are organically involved in the daily lives of the communities in which we work.

Mazarians have the intrinsic desire and drive to use their professional expertise in social life to contribute to society, as well as to administrative and other voluntary roles. This involvement is expressed in the activities of the Forvis Mazars Foundation and beyond. In addition to voluntarily holding management positions, various colleagues are (guest) lecturers at schools and universities. We encourage and support these initiatives, by sharing our knowledge we want to contribute to the development of society.


Mazars in the Netherlands Sustainability report 2022
Mazars Group Sustainability Report 2021

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