Mazars 2019 / 2020: Taking care of our sustainable business

Covid-19 and the associated economic crisis present particular challenges. We look back and look ahead with a strategy that will sustainably prepare our organisation for the future. We invest in our organisation to deliver what our clients need and what they and society expect from us. By doing so, we attract talent and let our people develop to secure our quality vision "Trust through quality".

Our 2019 / 2020 results confirm our market position and our confidence in the future:

  • Mazars' 2019 / 2020 turnover in the Netherlands amounts to €124 million
  • We employ a staff of 1,077, of which 415 are women and 662 are men, a growth of more than 10%
  • Quality and integrated cooperation are paramount in everything we do
  • With our four-year strategy, we are investing in the future

Taking care of our growth

The turnover in our 2019 / 2020 financial year is €124 million. Our number of employees (in terms of persons) increased to 1,077. Ton Tuinier, chairman of the Executive Board of Mazars in the Netherlands elaborates:

"2020 was a year like no other, for everyone around the world. In the midst of a global pandemic, with our focus on keeping our people safe and continuing to provide top quality services to our clients, we have proved to be resilient and managed to achieve a growth in turnover of almost 10% and attract more colleagues at Mazars. Thanks to the great efforts of our people to continue serving clients, we were able to do more than just weather the storm in 2020. Our new strategic plan, with all its challenges, came into being in the past year. It is a roadmap for the next four years, building on Mazars' strengths and differentiators: high quality service, operational integration, international consistency, commitment and care for clients and our people. In the next four years, we will continue to focus on quality and risk management, growth and talent development, and actively contribute to building a fair and prosperous world."

Taking care of quality

At Mazars, our passion for the profession and concern for the public interest come together and take us to a higher level of quality. Quality is not just about how we do our work, but definitely also about who we are as an organisation and where we come from. In October 2020, we launched our new brand identity, which reaffirms our purpose and long-standing values of integrity, responsibility and accountability. The rebranding shows how Mazars was able to change without compromising its culture, values or unique integrated partnership. It also reaffirms the strong commitment we feel and have to building a fair and prosperous world and a healthier industry. Partly due to our position as auditors in the PIE market, we take responsibility for ensuring that auditors, who serve the public interest, are able to meet the quality requirements. Quality is and will remain the backbone of all our activities. The global Mazars Code of Conduct launched in 2020 gives us direction and is the bedrock of our quality-driven culture and appropriate behaviour.

Taking care of our people

We continue to improve the way we serve our clients and develop our people, making Mazars a knowledge-intensive and training-driven organisation, a true school of excellence. Coaching is an important element of our quality assurance and an essential part of our learning organisation. Connection within a team is an important success factor; we strengthen the professional and critical attitude of our teams by incorporating diversity in people and thinking. We ensure a more diverse and vital Mazars, a healthy 'work - life - study balance' and therefore vitality for us all. Our people-oriented culture and flexible working are positive contributing factors. After all, our people are the determining factors of our success and we constantly challenge them to be the best they can be. 

Taking care of society

With our conviction to work together in a meaningful way, we actively contribute to a sustainable society. A clear example of corporate sustainability at Mazars is our commitment to protect the environment. Part of our sustainability strategy is dedicated to combating climate change. For instance, we are becoming more sustainable when it comes to our procurement policy, we are aware of the consumption of and in our buildings, and we encourage the use of public transport and the purchase of electric cars. In addition, each day we experience the many advantages of digital meetings. Remote meetings and reduced travel for appointments are our future standard. Our concern for the public interest goes beyond the issues related to our profession and expertise. Therefore, we are organically involved in the daily lives of the communities in which we work, whether it is actively participating in the debate on pressing social issues, making a success of initiatives of the Mazars Foundation, or supporting training projects. Employees have 20 hours per year available to use for voluntary work they choose themselves or at one of the cooperation partners of the Mazars Foundation. In addition, we make financial contributions to enable activities within this framework.

Taking care of our clients

We are constantly innovating our services and how we work with our clients. We pay close attention to innovation, digital cooperation and the development of sustainable services, for instance:

  • Signals, our online platform for communication with our clients and other stakeholders
  • Supporting clients in the deployment of robotics in their business processes
  • Mazars Next, the platform for our national accounting and outsourcing services
  • Investments we make from IT Audit & advisory in current developments in digital information security
  • Tools for strategic business planning, and the family statute developed specifically for family business
  • Advice on setting up internal control systems (and the underlying processes) for relevant, reliable and consistent sustainability information
  • Impact assessment of social and environmental indicators next to financial indicators
  • Advice on analysing the organisational culture as this is the basis for a healthy company and sustainable success

About Mazars

Mazars is a leading international audit, tax and advisory firm, aspiring to build the economic foundations of a fair and prosperous world. Operating as a united partnership, Mazars works as one integrated team, leveraging expertise, scale and cultural understanding to deliver exceptional and tailored services in audit and accounting, as well as tax and consultancy.

When working with us, you can expect the utmost quality within ethical and legal frameworks. Our clients’ trust in our judgement is the reason we exist. Mazars combines an in-depth knowledge of the regulations with a thorough insight of the market. In this way, we contribute to the sustainable yield of our clients and to society as a whole.

Mazars is present in over 90 countries, with more than 42,000 professionals – 26,000+ in our integrated partnership, 16,000+ via the Mazars North America Alliance – dedicated to helping clients make the most of business opportunities and operate with confidence.

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