Vasile Andrian Partner, Head of Audit & Financial Advisory
As the Head of Audit & Financial Advisory within Forvis Mazars in Romania, Vasile leads an energetic and passionate team of genuine professionals since 2007, when the company RSM Hemmelrath was integrated within Mazars. Prior to joining the firm, Vasile worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Vasile boasts an experience of more than 23 years in financial auditing and business advisory services, covering financial and accounting matters. Vasile’s experience diversified during various audit and financial advisory services, from audit of financial statements prepared in accordance with several local or international standards (IFRS, US GAAP, German GAAP etc.) to audit of projects financed by international financial institutions (IFI), and from financial due diligence or diagnostic studies, to internal audit and forensic/fraud investigation services.
Enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge and expertise, Vasile has authored several articles and has been a speaker at various seminars and conferences. Vasile is a graduate of The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, with a degree in International Economic Relations.
Professional memberships
- Certified Romanian Auditor, member of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CAFR);
- Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA);
- Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), member of the Romanian & International Associations of Internal Auditors (AAIR & IIA).
Sector experience
- Automotive
- Food & beverage
- Manufacturing
- Transport & Logistics
- Trade & Distribution
- Media
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Vasile Andrian
- Media
- Telecommunications
- Consumer goods
- Oil, gas & natural resources
- Consumer
- Food & beverage
- Hospitality & leisure
- Luxury
- Retail
- Infrastructure & capital projects
- Power & utilities
- Renewable energy
- Water & waste
- Agribusiness
- Technology, media & telecommunications
- Technology
- Transport & logistics
- Manufacturing
- Energy, infrastructure & environment
- Ella Chilea named Partner for Audit Services
- 11th International Conference Fast Forward: the future of insurance
- Mazars' Task Force in response to COVID-19
- Corporate reporting and its implications on the audit market in Romania
- Doing business guide - unlock investment opportunities in Romania
- Transparency reports
- The Financial Services Future: Transforming an industry
- Built for forward with Forvis Mazars: providing a deeper understanding in audit
- BVB Arena: 15 companies for the growth of the Romanian economy and their success stories