Tax Section - Doing Business

You will find here a series of summaries providing an overview of useful tax regulations, processes and tax issues for Doing Business in Thailand.

Recent public tax ruling on VAT implications of domestic transportation by trucks with temperature-controlled containers

On 8 January 2024, the Revenue Department issued public tax ruling no. Gor.Kor. 0702/88, which states that domestic transportation of goods using temperature-controlled container trucks is considered a “transportation service” exempt from VAT. However, temperature-controlled container trucks must meet the Department of Land Transport’s standards, and the provider’s duties are limited to merely transporting goods

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Understanding the Global Minimum Tax

Based on the new Global Minimum Tax introduced by the OECD, a taxpayer in scope of Pillar 2 (where the consolidated group revenue is at least EUR 750 million in two of last four years) are required to pay a top-up tax on the difference between their effective tax rate in the jurisdiction where they operate and the 15% minimum tax rate.

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Recent public tax ruling on new merger scheme

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are important ways for companies to expand, restructure, and improve efficiency. In Thailand, these transactions take different ways, with their own legal, financial and tax consequences.

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Navigating key tax challenges for expatriates under EOR employment

Understanding and managing tax obligations for expatriates working in Thailand is a crucial step towards financial control.

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Exploring the Employer of Record (EOR) arrangement: benefits, drawbacks, and tax implications

In today’s globalised business environment, organisations often seek flexible and efficient ways to manage their workforce across different jurisdictions. The Employer of Record (EOR) arrangement has emerged as a popular solution, enabling companies to hire employees in regions where they do not have a legal entity. While this model offers several advantages, it also presents unique challenges and potential tax implications, particularly concerning the concept of a taxable presence under Thai domestic law and a permanent establishment (PE) as outlined in the international tax rules.

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