Webinar ondernemer: de regie door vooruitkijken
Heeft u onze webinar 'Behoud de regie door vooruit te kijken' gemist? Na de acute coronamaatregelen rijst nu de vraag over de gevolgen voor de onderneming op de middellange termijn. En vooral, hoe daar op in te spelen? Onze specialisten nemen u mee in hun visie, geven antwoorden op uw vragen en bieden u praktische handvatten die u direct in kunt zetten voor uw eigen organisatie.

Webinar NOW-noodmaatregel
Heeft u onze webinar 'NOW-maatregel' gemist? Kijk deze terug en kom meer te weten over de aanvraagprocedure, rekenvoorbeelden, voorwaarden, inspanningsverplichtingen en overige steunmaatregelen.

Webinar grensoverschrijdend werken in coronacrisis
Heeft u onze webinar 'Grensoverschrijdend werken in de coronacrisis' gemist? Kijk deze terug en kom meer te weten over de aandachtspunten rondom belastingheffing en sociale verzekeringen.

Webinar: Tax challenges for the financial sector
Mazars was hosting a tax webinar for the Financial Services sector where a range of Mazars tax experts discussed critical business issues related to Covid-19.

The corona recovery package will not be renewed
September 3, 2021 - As of October 1, 2021, the (outgoing) cabinet will permanently stop the generic support measures that have helped the Dutch economy through the corona crisis as much as possible in the past year and a half.

Special deferment of payment further extended
July 30, 2021 - Business owners can apply for special deferral of payment until October 1, 2021.

Reorganising during the coronacrisis
1 May 2020 – These are difficult times for many companies. Where one sector is flourishing, the other sector is under great pressure.

Q&A Coronavirus and human resources issues
We all have to deal with the social and economic consequences of the coronavirus. After the shutdown of the schools earlier this week, on 17 March 2020 the Dutch government came up with a substantial emergency package for organisations and their employees. We receive a lot of questions from our clients, in which we would like to support you as much as possible.

The impact of the coronavirus on your cash flow
Due to the effects of the coronavirus, a lot has changed in a short period of time. It is essential for your business operations to gain a simple and quick insight into the impact of various scenarios on your liquidity (consider clients paying later, paying suppliers later , deferred payment to suppliers, deferred bank repayments, deferred repayments from other lenders, shareholders making additional...

The coronacrisis and the consequences for VAT
During the coronacrisis events are cancelled, customers are unable to pay invoices, entrepreneurs hand out vouchers to generate revenues and many companies run into financial difficulties. We provide you with some VAT tips