Payroll and HR applications, a grip on your administration

Discover the convenience of the new Forvis Mazars cloud-based payroll and HR application. Our applications offer all the tools required for processing your payroll and personnel administration conveniently and efficiently in a secure environment which is available online 24/7. Ranging from small and medium-sized companies that want to cooperate in real-time to (international) companies that want to be unburdened at the maximum; our specialists have an fitting solution for each wish.

Optimal service and digital payroll solution for employers

Your payroll and personnel administration are of paramount importance to your organisation. This is why Forvis Mazars invests in optimal service to its payroll clients. We do this by using the online payroll and HR application.

Working independently of time and place is becoming more and more common, and an integrated digital HR and payroll system offers you many advantages as an employer. The availability of information about leave, absence, declarations, training, financial data at any time is not only effective, but also saves a lot of time.

With our applications, you can collaborate online with our payroll specialists and maximise the use of resources. Resources which we use broadly, even in combination with supporting integrated applications.

What does the convenience of payroll and HR applications in the cloud mean for you?

  • Schedule periodic payroll activities or have them carried out by our specialists.
  • Fully connected to the existing Forvis Mazars Signals digital cooperation environment.
  • HR signals allow you to be informed of birthdays, anniversaries and termination of temporary contracts.
  • Ensures an easy registration of supervision of leave and absenteeism.
  • Deploys fully automated workflows (inflow and outflow of staff and other).
  • Provides employees with an easy insight into personal data, pay slips and leave hours using the handy app.
  • An orderly dashboard to be arranged to your own liking.
  • Management reports with relevant personnel information, with the possibility to customise and/or fully develop reports.
  • Full integration with financial administration.
  • Scheduling, processing and managing performance interviews.
  • 360-degree feedback.
  • Recruitment.

Online payroll processing and HR solutions

In addition to work such as tracking payroll mutations and making periodic payroll declarations, the applications also allow HR-related matters to be done in-house. These include absence and leave registration, digital signing, HR Workflows, declarations, performance cycle, recruitment and the creation of HR reports. There is also an option to create a complete HR file per employee. The deployment of additional tools is part of the possibilities.

More time for strategy

A proper payroll and personnel administration requires the necessary knowledge, time and energy. Forvis Mazars’ payroll professionals offer you various solutions for your payroll and HR processing. You decide which part of the payroll administration is processed in-company and which activities you wish to outsource to us. In addition, you can choose which processes (HR workflow) you want fully automated. If you choose to have activities carried out by our specialists, you can count on a reliable and efficient service. We guarantee continuity in your payroll processing and direct support at all times. You will be assigned a regular contact person who is well-informed of recent developments in legislation and regulations and who will draw your attention to potential improvements and opportunities.

Tailored services

We provide professional tailored services for your payroll and personnel administration, with the following options:

  • BASIC: If you have little time or insufficient knowledge for your payroll and personnel administration, you may choose to outsource these in full or in part to our experienced payroll specialists. We check and process the salaries and file the tax returns. You will be completely unburdened and you can consult the documents relevant to you and your employees 24/7.
  • INTERACTIVE: Do you need more grip on and insight into your payroll and personnel administration? Then, this option offers additional features to meet your needs. You will be completely unburdened and we will make several online management reports available as well. Moreover, your employees may submit changes regarding their personal data (name, address, bank account number and so on) themselves. Also: the leave and absenteeism module offers you an insight in real-time into the numbers of leave and absenteeism hours of each employee. Furthermore, employees may apply for leave or, if required, check leave of colleagues themselves online or by using the handy app. Moreover, employees can submit expense statements easily and you have the option to create a fully digital file which makes the personnel data available to you at all times.

All options in one view

 Basic Interactive
Payslip viewerX X
Document viewerX X
Quick feedX X
Link schedule and accounting programmesX X
Employees’ login (ESS)  X
Manager login (MSS)  X
Management reports  X
Absence registration  X
Leave registration  X
Digital file  X
Time registration  X

Connecting applications to other packages and/or organisations

Apart from the user-friendly applications, cloud-based work and the efficiency with which payroll processing is done, they are easy to connect with (online) scheduling and accounting packages, among others. Links with external organisations such as insurance companies and health and safety services are also possible.

Want to know more?

Are you curious about what Forvis Mazars can do for you? We are happy to inform you in a personal conversation of the solutions for your payroll issues. Furthermore, our payroll specialists will be happy to help you set up and optimise your online payroll and personnel administration in Nmbrs. Whether it is an existing or desired situation, together with you we will realise the best solution for your organisation.

Want to know more?