Marieke van Kooten - Middeldorp Director

Personal quote / vision
I find it important to know what is going on with my clients and therefore find personal involvement very important. I like to act as a sparring partner to turn client challenges into achieving ambitions in an effective and efficient manner.
Specialist experience
- Specialist in advising foundations and associations in the field of corporate income tax
- Advising on ANBI legislation and regulations
- Speaker at seminars
- Advising on corporate income tax and income tax nationally
Specific client experience
- My client portfolio partly consists of clients who belong to the so-called social organizations - these are mostly foundations and associations
- Another part of my clients are companies where I mainly advise from a national perspective
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Marieke van Kooten - Middeldorp
Who we are
- Hoofdlijnenakkoord 2024: de fiscale voorstellen voor de Maatschappelijke organisaties
- Algemeen nut investeringen voor ANBI's
- Teruggaaf energiebelasting ANBI
- (Proposed) changes for the tax treatment of donations
- Developments on the ANBI status in 2022 and 2023
- Changes to deduction law for periodic gifts
- Rapport Toezicht op Algemeen Nut
- Foundations and associations: updated decision on the subjective exemption within the corporate income tax
- Formation of structural surpluses leads to tax liability
- Meet the conditions of the ANBI
- 12 belastingtips 2020
- Nieuwe businessmodellen: kansen en bedreigingen
- Verbetervoorstellen giftenaftrek en ANBI-regeling
- ANBI-status en de Erkenning vanaf 2019 gezamenlijk aan te vragen
- Geen giftenaftrek voor schenken aan een loketinstelling of buitenlandse goede doelen
- Giftenaftrek en ANBI-regelingen gecontinueerd
- ANBI: Publish financial data before 1 july