2024 SARP Annual Return – Employer obligation

If any employer had employees who claimed Special Assignee Relief Programme (SARP) relief in 2024, the employer must submit a SARP Annual Return for 2024 to Revenue by 23 February 2025.

Submission requirements

The SARP Annual Return must be submitted through the SARP e-portal, accessible via the Revenue Online Service (ROS).

Information required for the SARP Annual Return

To complete the return, employers will need the following details:

  • Employee personal details:
    • PPS Number (PPSN).
    • Nationality.
    • Country where the employee worked prior to arriving in Ireland.
  • Employment information:
    • Job title and a brief description of their role.
    • Remuneration details, including any reimbursed school fees or home leave trips.
  • Company impact details:
    • Information on the increase in employee headcount within the company.
    • Number of employees retained as a result of implementing the SARP scheme.

If you have any questions in relation to the above, or if you would like to discuss this topic further, please contact a member of our employment tax team.

Ken KilloranTax Partnerkkilloran@mazars.ie01 449 4451
Mark SpelmanSenior Tax ManagerMark.Spelman@mazars.ie01 449 6457
Adam McMahonTax ManagerAdam.McMahon@mazars.ie01 449 4425
