Aedín Morkan Partner, Audit & Assurance

Aedín Morkan is a partner within Forvis Mazars’ audit & assurance team. Aedín has extensive experience providing external audit, financial reporting, regulatory, technical accounting and governance related advice and solutions to not-for-profit, financial services, large corporate and public interest entities.
Aedín joined the firm in 1999 as a trainee chartered accountant and has over her time with the firm specialised in both the financial services and not-for-profit sectors. She has worked with domestic and international covered bond issuers during both the pre-launch and ongoing monitoring phases of their Asset Covered Securities programmes. Since 2016 Aedín has focused on supporting organisations in the not-for-profit sector.
She is on the judging panel of the Good Governance Awards for not-for-profits and leads the technical screening for those awards. She also assists with the technical review of not-for-profit nominations for the Published Accounts Awards.
Aedín is an active member of the Forvis Mazars’ CSR Committee.
Aedín is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland.