Laura Angelin Partner, Audit & Assurance, CSRD Reporting

Laura is a partner within the Forvis Mazars audit & assurance team and specialises in the financial services and banking sector. Laura leads a number of corporate and international audit engagements as well as other assurance assignments including monitoring trustee services, internal control and compliance reviews. Specifically, her experience includes providing these services to Irish and international banks, structured finance vehicles and investment firms.
Laura is the sustainability assurance Leader for Forvis Mazars in Ireland and is actively involved in the delivery of CSRD-related services, supporting organisations on their CSRD compliance journey and the roll-out of their CSRD Readiness projects. Laura actively participates in various communities and working groups focused on CSRD, ESRS (European Single Reporting Standard), and the sustainability assurance standard (ISSA 5000).
Laura is a Fellow Chartered and Certified Accountant.