Chatchawat Kriengsuntikul Legal Partner

Chatchawat Kriengsuntikul heads up the Legal Practice of Mazars (Thailand) Ltd. He attained a LLB and LLM from Chulalongkorn University in 1997 and 2001 respectively. He also graduated with a Diploma in International Taxation from the Thai Bar Association in 2003 and Executive Master of Business Administration from Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University and Kellogg School of Management – Northwestern University, USA in 2014.
Prior to joining Mazars, he worked with PWC for more than 10 years. He has been working for clients in a variety of business activities, including manufacturing, trading, services, hotel, financial institutions, retail, automotive and telecommunications.
His legal specializations include direct investment, labour, mergers and acquisitions, and foreign business control law. He has had substantial experience in obtaining various operating licenses, giving advice on the labour issues, performing corporate restructuring and undertaking legal due diligence.
Currently, he is a counselor and an honorary treasurer of Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce. He is also invited to be a visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Ramkamhaeng University and conducted a number of training courses in relation to the labour, investment promotion and customs issues for clients, professional staff and to the public.
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Pages associated to Chatchawat Kriengsuntikul
- The key benefits of using a visa agent for your application
- How is the PDPA applied in Thailand?
- APAC Corporate secretarial newsletter 2024 Vol.2
- The Eastern Economic Corridor visa
- Employer of Record arrangements under Thai Labour Law
- Notification regarding software development, digital platform, and digital content companies
- Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Services
- Use of e-signatures in Thailand
- The legal impact of work rules or policy on an employer’s obligations to pay a bonus
- APAC Corporate secretarial newsletter 2024 vol.1
- APAC corporate secretarial newsletter 2024 vol.1
- BOI measures to increase competitiveness in the automotive industry
- Employers deducting the value of annual holiday already taken when paying compensation to terminated employees
- Guidelines on the conditions for applying for BOI investment incentives for developing software, a digital platform, or content
- Governance of Digital Platforms
- Mazars Annual forum 2023:The ESG impact on value creation and sustainability
- Foreign businesses providing loans to affiliates and subsidiaries
- Additional BOI conditions for majority foreign-owned entities to own land
- Recent Department of Business Development rulings on aspects of the Foreign Business Act
- Amendment of Qualifications, Criteria and Conditions for Smart Visa
- Amendment of Qualifications, Criteria and Conditions for LTR Visa
- Labour Protection Act Amended to Recognize Remote Work and Employee’s Right to Refuse Communication
- Changes in the law regarding business combinations
- Criteria and procedures for breaches of personal data
- Criteria and procedures for breaches of personal data
- APAC corporate secretarial newsletter 2023 vol.1
- Amendments to provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code related to limited companies
- New method of calculating interest on the hire-purchase of car or motorcycle
- Overtime work
- Visa exemptions and visas on arrival extended
- BOI incentives for majority foreign-owned entities to own land
- Bill to repeal the Act on Offences Arising from the Use of Cheques, 1991
- Small enterprises exempt from preparing certain records of processing activities as set out in the Personal Data Protection Act
- New non-tax-related incentives for legal entities that are majority foreign-owned
- New criteria for providing corporate income tax incentives to international distribution centres
- Special Long-Term Residence visa
- BOI policy to provide incentives to businesses reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- BOI to provide incentives to certain start-ups
- Changing company information through the DBD e-filing system
- Amendment of the Copyright Act
- Qualifications and duties of the Data Protection Officer
- Unfair dismissal and restructuring
- Applications being accepted for Thai permanent residence
- Temporary visa extensions
- Extending the scope of business of a TISO and IBC
- Guidelines on DBD permission not to hold an AGM
- New law on digital platforms providing services
- Notification of foreigners for BOI incentives
- Ministerial regulation on workplace safety
- Work permits and visas for expats in Thailand
- Capital for a representative or regional office
- New e-visa service with digital visa
- Software and intellectual property law in Thailand
- New guidelines on unfair trade practices
- New BOI-related merit-based incentives related to R&D
- A business check up during COVID-19
- BOI measures for attracting investment
- COVID-19 vaccination leave
- Business check up during COVID-19
- Unrestricted business activity under the Foreign Business Act
- Effective date of the Personal Data Protection Act postponed
- DBD announcement on obtaining company affidavits
- Extended deadline for audited financial statements
- Criteria on arranging meetings via electrical devices
- Provision of services by foreign entities
- 2021 AGMs can be postponed
- New interest rates under the Civil and Commercial Code
- New interest rates and interest on debts
- Filing financial statements and shareholders’ list
- IPO and the care of elderly and clinical research
- Retirement and early retirement
- New Smart Visa for Digital Nomads
- Significant incentives approved by the Board of Investment
- Additional amendments of provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code
- Extending the BOI annual report submission deadline
- Rehabilitation of businesses affected by the COVID-19 outbreak
- New BOI incentives in the medical sector
- Notification of place of residence (Form TM30)
- Proposals to amend the Civil and Commercial Code
- Travel provisions
- Provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act deferred
- BOI measures to enhance investments in large-scale projects
- VAT registration through the Department of Business Development
- Company affidavits and other certified documents
- New criteria on arranging meetings via electronic devices
- BOI rolls out measures for medical sector and related industries
- Force Majeure and COVID-19
- Board of Investment
- Corporate secretarial matters
- Employment matters
- Responsibilities and Liabilities under the PDPA
- Filing financial statements and updated BOJ 5
- Revised investment incentives in EEC
- Severance pay for employees on daily wages
- 개인 정보 보호법
- Overtime hours
- Automatic registration of an employer with the Social Security Fund
- Exemption from remitting minimum capital
- Medical certificate for work permit applications
- Updated DBD Data Warehouse
- Criteria for Defining ‘Related Legal Entity’
- Remittance of minimum capital – Treaty of Amity
- Further relaxation of the Foreign Business Act
- Amendment to the Labour Protection Act Effective May 2019
- Restricted Businesses List under the Foreign Business Act Updated
- Notification of Place of Residence (Form TM30) in 2019
- Requirements for Retirement and Educational Visa
- New Draft Factory Act Update
- Work permit for a branch or representative office
- Trade Competition Commission Notifications on Mergers
- International Business Centre replaces IHQ and ITC
- Amendment of the Labour Protection Act
- e-Commerce and Direct Marketing
- Amendments to Workmen’s Compensation law
- Draft amendments to the Labour Protection Act
- The Draft Digital I.D. Act
- Investment incentives and measures in EEC
- Digital work permits
- Registering a tourism business
- DBD E-certificate File
- SEC rules on offering digital tokens and assets
- Changes to the Foreign Business Act Proposed
- Amendment of Foreign Worker’s Employment
- Legal Services Brochure
- Digital Asset Business
- Marcalliance announces the evolution of its governance
- Registration number for foreign legal entities
- Electronic system for Intellectual Property
- SMART Visa to be Launched on 1 February 2018
- Guide to Doing business in Asia Pacific 2017-2018
- BOI offers incentives for SMEs listed on MAI
- BOI investment incentives for the EEC expanded
- ‘Single window’ for visas and work permits
- Regional Office vs Representative Office vs Branch Office
- Apply online for visas and work permits
- Amendment to the Labour Protection Act
- Changes to employee leave and severance pay
- BOI approval of positions for visa and work permit
- Smart Visa
- Electronic card readers for all companies
- New Trade Competition Act
- Changes to Foreign Business Licence Requirements
- Doing Business in Thailand: Laws Amended
- Increase in machinery registration fee
- Changes to the Social Security Act
- Retirement visa (Long stay visa)
- BOI incentives amended
- Guide to Doing Business in Asia Pacific 2016-2017
- Thailand the “Medical Hub of Asia”
- Amendment to the Factory Act
- Change of BOI approval for expatriate positions
- Amendment to the Trademark Act
- Foreign investment in the insurance business
- 99-year state land lease scheme considered
- New rules on incorporation for SME entrepreneurs
- Tax waived on vehicles used for testing
- Special Economic Development Zones
- Monitoring e-commerce businesses
- Visa and Work Permit Extension at OSSC
- Use of Old Machines for BOI Projects Amended
- Requirements to Register a Van
- 90 Days Reporting Available Online
- Certain Activities No Longer Considered as “Work”
- Board of Investment: Merit Based Activities
- Increased Red Tape for Visa Extension
- Evidence to Prove the Payment of Share Capital
- Guidelines for WP-10 Notifications
- Immigration Alert: Overstay
- Company Incorporation: Advances Made by Promoters
- Registration of Partnerships and Limited Companies
- Boosting e-Commerce Credibility
- Visas for Expiring Passports
- Maternity and Paternity Leave
- Foreign Business License – Principle Approval
- How to Pay a Dividend?
- Opening a Company Bank Account?
- Filing Financial Statements Late
- Work Permit for an Expatriate with a Thai Spouse
- New Practice for Business Visa Cancellation
- Guide how to do business in Thailand
- Late Submission of the List of Shareholders
- Payment of Share Capital
- New Ministerial Regulation for Service Businesses
- Severance Pay for Fixed Period Employees
- Impact from the New Investment Promotion Scheme
- Quorum for a Company’s Shareholders Meeting
- Closing a Branch or Representative Office in Thailand
- 90 Day Report by Post
- Empowering any Person to Sign Documents
- Share Capital for Wholesale and Retail Businesses
- Work permit and visa application process in Thailand