Boosting e-Commerce Credibility
Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Legal, DBD, e-Commerce, Trustmark
22 November 2013
Customer’s trust in e-commerce vendors is a fundamental factor in ensuring this growth continues in Thailand.
Accordingly, the Department of Business Development (“DBD”) is attempting to boost the creditability of Thai e-commerce businesses by affirming the existence and quality of online retailers.
The DBD has requested that online operators, regardless of whether they are an individual or juristic person, register their e-commerce business with the DBD and they can then use the mark of “DBD Registered” on their website.
Furthermore, to bring Thai e-commerce in line with international standards, the DBD will also issue the “DBD Verified” mark, being equivalent to the “Trustmark” used globally.
The “DBD Verified” mark is available for e-commerce operators who pass the e-commerce quality review and are suitably evaluated as meeting the appropriate standards as defined by the DBD.
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