Additional amendments of provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code
Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Legal, Civil and Commercial Code,NCPO
17 November 2020
The key amendments related to limited companies are as follows:
Issues | References | Current provisions | Amendments |
1. Minimum number of promoters for establishing a limited company | Section 1097 | At least three persons subscribing to the Memorandum of Association can establish a new limited company. | At least two persons subscribing to the Memorandum of Association can establish a new limited company. |
2. Reasons for requesting the court to order a limited company to be dissolved | Section 1237 | The CCC sets out four reasons that the court may order a limited company to be dissolved, as follows:
| A company can ask the court to order it to be dissolved if the number of the shareholders is reduced to one, or for any other reasons affecting the existence of the company’s business. |
3. Minimum number of attendees of shareholders’ meetings | Section 1178 | The CCC requires that shareholders representing at least 25% of the share capital can form a quorum for a shareholders’ meeting, but there is no explicit provision requiring a minimum number of attendees of sharehold | At least two shareholders or their proxies must attend shareholders’ meetings. |
4. Prescribed period for paying dividends to shareholders | Section 1201 | By the Order of the National Council for Peace and Order (“NCPO”) No. 21/2560, the NCPO temporarily set out prescribed period in the CCC for paying dividends. A limited company must pay out dividends to its shareholders within one month of the date of a resolution to this effect passed by a board of directors meeting or shareholders’ meeting. | The 1-month time limit for the payment of dividends has been made a permanent provision of the CCC. There will be penalties imposed by the Act Prescribing the Offences Related to Registered Partnerships, Limited Companies, Associations, and Foundations, 2499 B.E. (1956) if a company fails to comply with this requirement. |
5. Amalgamation / merger | Section 1238 to Section 1243 | Currently, amalgamation is allowed only where two or more limited companies are combined to form a new limited company. | The CCC will allow amalgamation to take place in the following cases:
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