Martin Aandewiel Director

Martin Aandewiel

Personal quote / vision

Communicating detailed and complex material in a clear way is what I like to do. It is not only about making sure that the tax regulations are clear, but also that the taxpayer knows what the concrete consequences are and where the possibilities lie. What can the tax laws and regulations give the taxpayer and how can you implement this? In doing so, I not only provide the solution, but I look further and think along with the client.

Specialist experience

  • Payroll tax issues
  • Public sector (civil society organisations)
  • Tax Control Framework & Horizontal supervision 
  • Hiring freelancers, the Deregulation of Assessment of Employment Relationships Act (Wet DBA)
  • Cost reimbursement, terms of employment and working expenses scheme (WKR)
  • Providing workshops, courses and seminars

Specific client experience

Additional positions

  • Lecturer Payroll Taxes at Register Belastingadviseurs
  • Lecturer in Payroll Taxes / Business Valuation training, Nyenrode Business University

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