How prepared are you to respond to a cyber-attack?

In the shadow of what has been suggested as Ireland’s most significant ransomware cyber-attack, bringing the HSE to a near standstill, organisations should now be asking themselves: how prepared are we for a cyber-attack?

Organisations of all sizes are under the continuous threat of becoming the next victim of a cyber-attack that may significantly impact their ability to operate effectively or, in extreme circumstances, operate in the same way ever again. Without a structured approach to cyber security, it is more a case of when, as opposed to if a cyber-attack may occur.

Technical detection and prevention solutions are no longer enough to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of cyber-crime. Simple actions such as opening an email attachment or a link that a member of staff was not expecting can bring an organisation to a standstill. Cyber security awareness, culture and incident response are now an essential part of an organisation’s arsenal to manage cyber security risk.

The aim of this document is to provide senior managers of organisations of all sizes with a checklist of key questions that they should now be asking their IT and Security Managers and/or outsourced IT, service providers.

If you are answering no or not sure to any of these questions you may need to review your organisation's current approach to cyber security:

IT and Cyber Security checklist

Got a question? Just get in touch