Transform your organisation through a strong culture

A strong workplace culture is key to driving organisational success. Whether you are a provider of public services, a charity, or a profit-oriented company, a strong culture is essential for making your goals a reality. At Forvis Mazars, we support organisations to define the kind of culture they need to have in place and to bring this target culture to life in a practical, sustainable way.

Characteristics of strong and weak cultures

Most businesses have a unique blend of characteristics that shape their organisational culture, but certain key behaviours can help distinguish whether that culture is strong or weak. By examining the behaviours that define culture, we can better understand what drives success and what undermines it within 
an organisation.

Strong organisational cultures typically exhibit behaviours such as:

  • Honesty and transparency.
  • Strategic and forward-thinking approaches.
  • Respect and accountability.
  • Adaptability and reliability.
  • A shared sense of purpose.

In contrast, weak cultures are often characterised by:

  • Siloed thinking.
  • Short-term focus.
  • Low employee morale.
  • High staff turnover.
  • Over-concentration of power.
  • Lack of trust and engagement.

What we do

Partnering with Forvis Mazars means gaining a trusted ally to build a bespoke culture roadmap with you and your teams.

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Our approach

We go beyond just assessing risk culture. Our multidisciplinary approach evaluates how a strong culture can support your organisation’s strategy, objectives and values. Drawing on expertise from auditing, governance, psychology, leadership and organisational behaviour, we provide a thorough review and create a practical, future-focused cultural framework

Tools and solutions

We use a variety of methods to help you identify, assess and manage your organisational culture. Key to this is: 

  • Our award-winning cultural compass tool, based on six dimensions that encompass the most important elements of culture
  • Board and senior leadership team workshops. 
  • Staff focus groups.
  • Surveys.
  • Desktop review of key documentation.
  • On-site visits.

If you would like to discuss how we can help you achieve the culture you need for your organisation, please contact us.

