Navigating R&D tax credits: Understanding Technological Readiness Levels (TRL)

As businesses delve into the dynamic realm of Research and Development (R&D), understanding the nuances of Technological Readiness Levels (TRL) becomes pivotal. The TRL serves as a roadmap, guiding companies through the intricate journey from ideation to the pinnacle of technological maturity.
TRL 1 – Idea


At this embryonic stage, concepts are born, but practical applications are yet to be defined. It's the genesis, the spark that ignites the R&D journey.

TRL 2 – Basic research

Basic research unfolds, exploring novel concepts and ideas. Here, the foundation for potential breakthroughs is laid.

TRL 3 – Technology formulation

Feasibility is established, and basic experiments commence. However, the path to application remains obscured.

TRL 4 – Applied research

Testing and validation in controlled settings address technical challenges, propelling the technology closer to practical application.

TRL 5 – Small-scale prototype

The technology steps into the real world, tested in simulated conditions to ensure functionality under real-world constraints.

TRL 6 – Large-scale prototype

Advancing further, a large-scale prototype is developed, showcasing the concept's feasibility in a more expansive setting.

TRL 7 – Prototype system

Significant progress is made as a prototype system takes shape, reflecting tangible strides in development.

TRL 8 – Demonstration system

The technology is now complete and qualified. Rigorous testing and validation affirm its readiness for the next phase.

TRL 9 First of a kind commercial system

In the final stages before commercialisation, the technology stands as a pioneer, marking a significant milestone.

TRL 10 Full commercial application

The zenith of readiness, the technology is mature and poised for full-scale commercial application, a testament to its journey's culmination.

Each stage on the TRL represents a crucial stride towards turning ideas into impactful realities. Recognising where a project stands on the TRL scale is important for a myriad of reasons. Mazars is here to guide you through this journey, from conception to commercialisation.
